
Culture strategy for Scotland consultation: analysis of responses - summary

Report summarising analysis of the feedback to the public consultation on a draft Culture Strategy for Scotland.

Other comments

Question 17: Please use this section to provide any other comments that you wish to share about the strategy.

Question 17 invited respondents to share any further comments on the draft strategy. The focus of the analysis at Question 17 is on issues that have not been covered elsewhere.

A number of the further comments raised issues about the draft strategy document itself, and including that, although necessarily wide ranging, it is too long and repetitive in places. It was also suggested that the strategy document is complex and difficult to understand in places.

The importance of inclusive visual design within the finished document was highlighted.

As at previous questions, there were suggestions about other groups or sectors that should be covered in the draft strategy. In particular, the value of playwrights and playwriting in Scotland was highlighted, as were designer makers, civic design, listed buildings or conservation areas, photography, the broadcast media and university museums to name but a few.


Email: Donna Stewart

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