A Culture Strategy for Scotland: draft for consultation

Public consultation document seeking views on a draft Culture Strategy for Scotland developed following engagement with people across Scotland during 2017.


1 http://www.gov.scot/Resource/Doc/158792/0043111.pdf;

2 https://www.bundesregierung.de/Content/DE/_Anlagen/BKM/2014-11-06-english-summary.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=1

3 https://mch.govt.nz/sites/default/files/Four%20year%20plan%20May%202016%20(D-0662950).PDF#overlay-context=http%253A//www.mch.govt.nz/research-publications/fouryearplan-2016

4 http://www.chg.gov.ie/app/uploads/2015/09/culture2025_english_irish1.pdf

5 https://www.mcc.gouv.qc.ca/fileadmin/documents/grands_dossiers/PolitiqueQcCulture/PartoutLaCulture.pdf

6 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0005/000525/052505eo.pdf

7 Calhoun, and Sennett, (eds) ‘Practicing Culture’, (2007), London: Routledge

8 Arts Act 2003 c.2, Ireland, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2003/act/24/section/2/enacted/en/html#sec2

9 Ofcom, ‘The Communications Market Report: Scotland’, (2017),

10 Scottish Government, ‘Scottish Household Survey’, (2016), http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00525051.pdf

11 Note that the survey records engagement information about a limited list of activities, and therefore may not completely reflect the full range of activities that people do that they consider to be cultural; Scottish Government, ‘Scottish Household Survey’, (2016), http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00525051.pdf

12 Pollock, ’Artist-run galleries and collective studio spaces in Scotland’, The List (2012),

13 UK Live Music Census, ‘Valuing Live Music: The UK Live Music Census 2017 Report’ (2017),

14 UK Music, ‘Wish You were Here: The Contribution of Live Music to the UK Economy’, (2016),

15 https://www.oscr.org.uk/about-charities/overview-of-scottish-charities

16 Note that this may not account for all arts/cultural/creative enterprises due to definitional limitations;

17 Naylor, Branzanti, Mclean & Lonie,, ‘Edinburgh Festivals 2015 Impact Study’, (2016),BOP Consulting:

18 Scotinform, ‘Orkney Visitor Survey 2012/13’, (2014),

19 Scottish Government, ‘The Scottish Government Gaelic Language Plan’,

20 http://www.gaidhlig.scot/bord/education/primary-education/

21 National Records of Scotland, ‘2011 Census: Key results on population, ethnicity, identity, Language, religion, health, housing and accommodation in Scotland- Release 2A’, (2013),

22 Scottish Government, ‘Summary of Statistics in Scottish Schools no. 8; Supplementary data tables’ (2017),

23 Scottish Government, ‘Analysis of Equality Results from the 2011 Census - Part 2’, (2015),

24 National Records of Scotland, ‘2011 Census: Key results on population, ethnicity, identity, Language, religion, health, housing and accommodation in Scotland- Release 2A’, (2013),

25 Scottish Government, ‘Growth Sector Statistics Database’, (2017),

26 Historic Environment Scotland, ‘Scotland’s Historic Environment Audit’, (2016), https://www.historicenvironment.scot/archives-and-research/publications/publication/?publicationId=e3d0a6d8-4410-49b8-96e8-a6db00bc21b0

27 Creative Scotland, ‘Economic Contribution Study: An Approach to the Economic Assessment of the Arts & Creative Industries in Scotland’, (2012),

28 Creative Scotland, ‘Review of the Film Sector in Scotland’, (2014), http://www.creativescotland.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/25245/Review_of_the_Film_Sector_in_Scotland_-_Jan_2014.pdf

29 Design Council, ‘Designing a future economy’, (2018),

30 Scottish Government, ‘Growth Sector Statistics Database’, (2017),

31 Naylor, Branzanti, Mclean & Lonie, ‘Edinburgh Festivals 2015 Impact Study’, (2016),BOP Consulting:

32 Scottish Museums and Galleries , ‘Visitor Attraction Monitor Report’, (2014),

33 Scottish Government, ‘The Anholt - GfK Roper Nation Brands Index(SM): Report for Scotland’, (2016),

34 Scottish Government, ‘A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People - Our Delivery Plan to 2021 for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’, (2016), http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0051/00510948.pdf

35 CIPFA, ‘Public Library Statistics 2014-15 Estimates and 2013-14 Actuals’, (2014), London: CIPFA

36 http://www.creativescotland.com/funding/latest-information/funded-organisations/regular-funding-2018-21/regular-funding-2018-21-info-sheet

37 https://www.historicenvironment.scot/advice-and-support/listing-scheduling-and-designations/world-heritage-sites/world-heritage-sites-in-scotland/

38 https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/creative-cities-map

39 Historic Environment Scotland, ‘Scotland’s Historic Environment Audit’, (2016), https://www.historicenvironment.scot/archives-and-research/publications/publication/?publicationId=e3d0a6d8-4410-49b8-96e8-a6db00bc21b0

40 CIPFA, ‘Public Library Statistics 2014-15 Estimates and 2013-14 Actuals’, (2014), London: CIPFA

41 Museums Galleries Scotland, ‘Visitor Attraction Monitor Report, Scottish Museums and Galleries’, (2014),

42 Scottish Museums Council, ‘A Collective Insight: Scotland National Audit of Scotland’s Museums and Galleries’, (2001), http://www.museumsgalleriesscotland.org.uk/publications/publication/42/national-audit-full-report

43 Visit Scotland, ‘Scotland’s Visitor Survey 2015 and 2016’, (2016),

44 Scottish Government, ‘Practising Realistic Medicine: Chief Medical Officer’s Annual Report 2016-17’, (2018),

45 NHS Wales, ‘Sources of resilience and their moderating relationships with harms from adverse childhood experiences’, (2017),

46 Dodds, ‘Social contexts and health: a GCPH synthesis. Glasgow Centre for Population Health, (2016),

47 Scottish Government, ‘Summary of statistics for schools in Scotland’, (2017),

48 Scottish Government, ‘Mental health and wellbeing among adolescents in Scotland: profile and trends’, (2015), http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0048/00488358.pdf

49 Reed & Stark, ‘Forecasting child poverty in Scotland’, (2018), http://dera.ioe.ac.uk/31454/1/00533637.pdf

50 http://www.gov.scot/publications/child-chance-tackling-child-poverty-delivery-plan-2018-22/

51 Creative Scotland & Young Scot, ‘NYAAG Youth Survey Results’, (2018)

52 Bakhshi, Frey, and Osborne, ‘Creativity versus Robots: The Creative Economy and the Future of Employment’ Nesta (2015), http://www.nesta.org.uk/publications/creativity-vs-robots

53 Arts & Business, Arts Council England, MLA, ‘Digital Audiences: Engagement with Arts and Culture Online’, (2010), http://www.aandbscotland.org.uk/documents/2012-05-28-13-11-39-10-Digital-audiences-for-arts-and-culture-november2010.pdf

54 Arts Council England & Nesta, ‘Experimental Culture: A horizon scan commissioned by Arts Council England’ (2018), https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/sites/default/files/download-file/Experimental_Culture_report_190318.pdf

55 https://scotland.shinyapps.io/scotlandperforms_alpha/#

56 See for example Rae’s work on commuter data in England and Wales; https://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2016/jun/08/how-far-distance-workers-commute-uk-cities-mapped

57 Minority ethnic groups, those from deprived areas, and younger people, all had weaker feelings of belonging to communities; Scottish Government, ‘Scottish Household Survey’, (2016),

57 Scottish Government, ‘A Connected Scotland: Tackling social isolation and loneliness and building stronger social connections’, (2018), http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0053/00530204.pdf

58 Scottish Government, ‘Scottish Household Survey’, (2016), http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00525075.pdf

59 Leguina & Miles, ‘Fields of participation and lifestyle in England: revealing the regional dimension from a reanalysis of the Taking Part Survey using Multiple Factor Analysis’ Cultural Trends, (2017) 26:1, 4-17

60 Scottish Government, ‘Growing up in Scotland: Family and school influences on children’s social and emotional wellbeing’, (2014), http://www.gov.scot/resource/0045/00452548.pdf

61 Clift, ‘Creative arts as a public health resource: moving from practice-based research to evidence-based practice’, Perspectives in Public Health, (2012), 132(3):120-127

62 National Records of Scotland, ‘Mid-2017 Population Estimates Scotland’, (June 2017), https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/statistics-by-theme/population/population-estimates/mid-year-population-estimates/mid-2017

63 National Records of Scotland, ‘Mid-2017 population estimates Scotland’, (2018) https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/files//statistics/population-estimates/mid-17/mid-year-pop-est-17-publication.pdf

64 http://www.parliament.scot/parliamentarybusiness/Bills/105168.aspx

65 For example, Glasgow has the highest concentration of creative industries in Scotland and so offers more job opportunities. Additionally, Edinburgh and Glasgow receive 46% and 31% of national arts funding respectively, whereas the rest of the country receives the remaining 22%; Myerscough, J., ‘Glasgow Cultural Statistics Digest’, (2011), http://www.understandingglasgow.com/assets/0000/5013/Cultural_Statistics_1_Feb_pdf__2_.pdf

66 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2015/6/contents/enacted

67 http://www.creativescotland.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/21329/Time-To-Shine-Whats-Behind-It.pdf

68 Scottish Government, ‘Scotland’s Economic Strategy’ (2015), http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0047/00472389.pdf

69 Skills Development Scotland, ‘Jobs and Skills in Scotland: The evidence’, (2017),.

70 Creative Industries Federation, ‘Creative Freelancers’,

71 Town and Country Planning Association, ‘Regenerating Places and Communities through Culture. Case studies’, (2013), http://www.cloa.org.uk/images/stories/Regenerating_places_and_communities_through_culture.pdf

72 Euclid, ‘Assessing the European Union’s contribution to the arts, media and creative industries in Scotland’, (2017), http://www.creativescotland.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/41753/EUFundstoScotlandCS-FINAL.pdf

73 A 2016 report found that respondents in the creative and cultural sector had partnered with organisations across 14 European countries, with numerous projects spanning multiple countries; Creative Scotland, ‘Implications of the UK European Union membership referendum for the creative and cultural sector in Scotland: Report on survey findings’, (2016), http://www.creativescotland.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/36681/EU-Referendum-Creative-Cultural-Sector-Scotland-Survey-Findings.pdf

74 Dass, Goodwin, Wood & Ni Luanaigh, ‘Sector insights: Skills and performance challenges in the digital and creative sector’, (2015), UKCES, https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/433755/Skills_challenges_in_the_digital_and_creative_sector.pdf

75 Brook, O’Brien, & Taylor, ‘Panic! Social Class, Taste and Inequalities in the Creative Industries’, Create London, (2018), http://createlondon.org/event/panic-paper/

76 Brook, O’Brien, & Taylor, ‘Panic! Social Class, Taste and Inequalities in the Creative Industries’, Create London, (2018), http://createlondon.org/event/panic-paper/

77 Creative Industry Federation & NESTA, ‘Creativity and the Future of Work’, (2018),

78 Dass, Goodwin, Wood & Ni Luanaigh, ‘Sector insights: Skills and performance challenges in the digital and creative sector’, UKCES, (2015), https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/433755/Skills_challenges_in_the_digital_and_creative_sector.pdf

79 Access to the arts has been affected by a number of influences, including culturally specific items such as ‘lack of relevance and previous exposure to certain art forms’ and ‘conservative view’; Scottish Arts Council, ‘Sharing the spotlight: Increasing access and participation in the arts by Scotland’s minority ethnic communities’, (2003),

80 Nordicity, ‘Workforce review of the UK offstage theatre and performing arts sector’, (2017),

81 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/347915/Elitist_Britain_-_Final.pdf

82 http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2017/11/8263

83 Euclid, ‘Assessing the European Union’s contribution to the arts, media and creative industries in Scotland’, (2017), http://www.creativescotland.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/41753/EUFundstoScotlandCS-FINAL.pdf


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