
A Culture Strategy for Scotland

A Culture Strategy for Scotland shows how important culture is to Scotland’s prosperity and sets the future direction for supporting culture in Scotland.

8. Links to key documents and other strategies

National culture conversation

Throughout the engagement and public consultation that has supported the development of A Culture Strategy for Scotland, people have highlighted what culture means to them and how they think culture should be supported in Scotland going forward. The development of the strategy has generated a wealth of ideas and examples of good practice across the culture sector and beyond and is captured in the documents below:

Engagement Report

A Culture Strategy for Scotland - draft for consultation

Consultation responses analysis - full report

Consultation responses analysis - key themes report

Our Place in Time

Our Place in Time is the first Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland, launched in March 2014. It sets out how the historic environment is part of our everyday lives, the value of forging connections between people and the places where they live and visit, and how this sense of place and cultural identity plays a crucial part in the sustainability of communities and in promoting a positive image of Scotland to the world. The priorities and actions in Our Place in Time resonate strongly with the priorities in this culture strategy. Delivery of Our Place in Time remains a priority for this Government and the annual reports produced by Historic Environment Scotland, the lead body for the strategy, set out the achievements to date and future plans[38].

Going Further

Going Further[39] is the national strategy for Scotland's museums and galleries, launched in 2012, with a vision of developing an ambitious, dynamic and sustainable sector. The strategy aspires to maximise the potential of the wealth and diversity of Scotland's collections, strengthen their connections with communities, develop skills, foster a culture of collaboration and enterprise, enhance sustainability and encourage a global perspective. The strategy is backed by the Scottish Government and delivery is led by Museums Galleries Scotland, the sector's national development body. The six aims of Going Further have a strong synergy with the priorities in this culture strategy and a third and final Delivery Plan for the period 2020-2022 will be launched in early 2020.

Public libraries

Public libraries continue to be one of the few local spaces (along with youth clubs) which offer a range of services at the heart of the community that are free of charge.

The Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC) is developing a new strategy for public libraries in Scotland, building on the good work of the last strategy, Ambition and Opportunity 2015-2020[40] along with establishing an advisory group to consider the next steps to help public libraries continue to empower communities.

The Ring of Brodgar in the Heart of Neolithic Orkney
Credit: Photographer - Kenny Lam. Reproduced courtesy of VisitScotland

The Ring of Brodgar in the Heart of Neolithic Orkney



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