Current state of knowledge of effects of offshore renewable energy generation devices on marine mammals and research requirements

The report describes the current state of knowledge of effects of offshore renewable energy devices on marine mammals and then identifies a prioritised list of research gaps.

7 Appendix 1. Details of Task descriptions

7.1 MR1

Map out the current marine renewables research landscape with respect to marine mammals and other relevant issues. This study will deliver:

  • A report detailing current and recently completed research into the interactions of marine mammals and marine renewables developments.
  • An assessment of the relevance of both on-going and recently completed research programmes in terms of their generality and applicability to specifically Scottish marine renewable developments.
  • Regular updates of the review as a live document throughout the life of the project.



At the start of the research programme we will provide a review of the current marine renewables research landscape with respect to marine mammals and other relevant issues:

  • Develop a wide understanding of the range and depth of research into the effects of marine renewable devices on marine mammals.
  • Assess the relevance of both on-going and recently completed research programmes in terms of their generality and applicability to specifically Scottish marine renewable developments.
  • Identify and assess the research portfolios of relevant working groups (Scottish, UK, European, and International)
  • Maintain and update the review as a live document throughout the life of the project.

Map out the current marine renewables research landscape with respect to marine mammals and other relevant issues, this should take an international perspective and include projects that have completed in the past 12 months. This should also include a description of relevant working groups (Scottish, UK, European, and International) and their purpose where groups have a research portfolio. Illustrate how this research will interact with the wider research landscape. This assessment should be delivered within the first three months and be maintained as a live document throughout the life of the project.

7.2 MR2

Assess the data gaps with regard to marine mammals and marine renewables. This study will deliver

  • An assessment of the data gaps with regard to marine mammals and marine renewables.
  • A prioritised list of the data gaps and an assessment of the risk to marine mammal populations and renewables development t should these gaps not be filled.

The report will provide an assessment of the data gaps with regard to marine mammals and marine renewables, some of which are listed in Appendix A. Relate these back to the mapping exercise to extrapolate where data gaps still exist and where further work is necessary. Make an assessment of which data gaps should be classed as a priority and assess the risk to marine mammal populations and renewables development should these gaps not be filled. Data gaps should be split by technology, wind / wave / tidal and cover the lifecycle of a renewables development from survey work to decommissioning, it may also be necessary for data gaps to be area and species specific. How this research is contributing to filling these data gaps should also be stated. The outputs should be developed to form a series of research questions that will inform work strands in this research project and future research. This assessment should be delivered within the first three months and be maintained as a live document throughout the life of the project.


On the basis of the output of MR1 we will

  • Provide an assessment of the data gaps with regard to marine mammals and marine renewables.
  • Prioritise the data gaps and assess the risk to marine mammal populations and renewables development should these gaps not be filled.


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