
Delivery Assurance Group report: quarter 4 2021 to 2022

Delivery Assurance Group (DAG) report summarising what has been achieved for customers against Scottish Water's Delivery Plan for the 2021 to 2027 period during the fourth quarter of 2021 to 2022.

Progress Report on Performance Against the Committed List for Quarter 4 2021-22

This document sets out how Scottish Water is progressing with the delivery of projects and sub-programmes included on the 'Committed List' and confirms the position up to the end of March 2022 (Quarter 4 2021-22). It has been prepared for the Delivery Assurance Group (DAG).

The content and format of this report is under review by the Investment Reporting Task and Finish Group and Investment Reporting Data Subgroup which in turn report to DAGWG. The amendments made to this report for Q4, contained in the covering note to this paper (DAG 12/22-02), have been made following stakeholder feedback from previous DAGWG and DAG meetings and further developments are being explored.

What We Monitor

Each quarter Scottish Water reports to the DAG on its progress with the delivery of projects and programmes included in the Committed List as follows:

Section1: Overview - to provide an overview of levels of investment compared to the Delivery Plan and highlight delivery risks that have or may impact the delivery of the projects and programmes on the Committed list.

Section 2: Indicator of Progress of Overall Delivery (IPOD) - to provide reassurance to stakeholders on the extent to which overall progress of projects on the Committed List are in line with the forecasts set out when the projects were committed to delivery.

Section 3: Progress of delivery of committed projects within Water portfolio - to provide stakeholders with a view of of the extent to which projects within the water portfolio are progressing through the governance gates in line with the forecasts set out when these projects were added to the Committed List.

Section 4: Progress of delivery of committed projects within Wastewater portfolio - to provide stakeholders with a view of of the extent to which projects within the water portfolio are progressing through the governance gates in line with the forecasts set out when these projects were added to the Committed List.

Section 5: Progress of delivery of committed projects within Customer Engagement, Flourishing Scotland and Support Services (CE&FS&SS) portfolio - to provide stakeholders with a view of of the extent to which projects within the water portfolio are progressing through the governance gates in line with the forecasts set out when these projects were added to the Committed List.

Section 6: Progress in delivering SR15 completion projects - to provide stakeholders with a view of how SW is progressing in delivering projects that were initiated but not completed in the previous Strategic Review period.



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