
Delivery Assurance Group report: quarter 4 2021 to 2022

Delivery Assurance Group (DAG) report summarising what has been achieved for customers against Scottish Water's Delivery Plan for the 2021 to 2027 period during the fourth quarter of 2021 to 2022.

Section 6: Progress in delivering SR15 Completion projects

At the end of Q4 2021-22 we had planned to have 68 of the 86 delayed SR15 projects complete on site with the customer receiving benefit (Table 1). Unfortunately, due to the realisation of further risks on these projects 21 have still to achieve Gate 100 acceptance. 6 of these are now forecasting acceptance in Q1 2022-23 with a further 7 in Q2 2022-23. All apart from Yarrowfues WTW main-out are forecasting acceptance by the end of Q4 2022-23.

A significant number of projects have been impacted by Covid delays, and the safe systems of work adopted to combat the risk to the workforce or the public. In addition to this these projects have also been impacted by "normal" delivery risk. The delivery of 8 projects has been reforecast due to 3rd party issues. These are predominantly land and permanent power connection to the site. The delivery of a further 9 projects has been reforecast due to construction risks being realised. A further 4 projects have been delayed as additional scope is required to complete the project. An example of this is at Daer WTW where when the tank was drained down and available for inspection, it became evident that addition repair work was required before the tank could be put back into supply.

Table 1: SR15 completion programme project status.
Stage Delayed Projects Planned Projects
Forecast at March 2021 Actual at Q4 2021-22 Variance Forecast at March 2021 Actual at Q4 2021-22 Variance
Pre Start on Site 4 6 2 5 7 2
In Construction 14 33 19 14 15 1
Construction Complete 68 47 -21 38 35 -3
Total 86 86 0 57 57 0

The SR15 projects originally planned for delivery post March 2021 are progressing well with 35 of the planned 38 Gate 100 acceptance forecast being achieved. 2 projects (Improvement to Supply-Demand Balance - Stornoway WRZ and Water Quality Improvement - Camps RSZ) have been delivered ahead of plan. While 5 projects have been impacted by delays; Kirkmichael WTW has been returned to the plan stage as the promoted solution was not successful, Milnby Weir missed a weather window to all construction, Wick East DMA, Ringford WTW, and Water of Lieth Batch 10 were impacted by design / construction delays.



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