
Data collection and publication - disability: guidance

Guidance for public bodies on the collection of data on disability.

Annex 2: Life Opportunities Survey - example question

Question 1

Applies if: In employment (from core) & Wave 1

Are you limited in the type or amount of paid work that you do, for example, what you can do, how long you can work for, when you can work or where you can work?

(1) Yes

(2) No

Question 2

Applies if: Work = Yes


Why are you limited in the type or amount of paid work that you do? Code all that apply

(1) Lack of job opportunities

(2) Family responsibilities

(3) Lack of qualifications/experience/skills

(4) A health condition, illness or impairment

(5) A disability

(6) Difficulty with transport

(7) Difficulty getting into buildings

(8) Difficulty using facilities

(9) Caring responsibilities

(10) Lack of special aids or equipment

(11) Lack of help or assistance

(12) Anxiety/lack of confidence

(13) Attitudes of colleagues

(14) Attitudes of employers

(15) Affects receipt of benefits

(16) Other reasons (please specify)

Question 3

Applies if: In employment (from core) & Wave 1

Showcard C4

Has anything on this card helped you at work? Code all that apply

(1) Modified hours or days or reduced work hours

(2) Modified duties

(3) A job coach or personal assistant or mentor

(4) Changes to your work area or work equipment

(5) Building modifications, such as handrails or ramps, easy-to-access work area, toilets or lifts

(6) Tax credits (you may qualify for a tax credit if you work but earn low wages)

(7) Employer/staff attended disability awareness training

(8) Other equipment or services (please specify)

(9) None of these



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