
Data collection and publication - ethnic group: guidance

Guidance for public bodies on the collection of data on ethnic group.

Annex 2: 2011 question

Below is the question as it read for the 2011 census and the previous version of this guidance. It is provided only as a reference and should not be used.

Question: What is your ethnic group

Answer: Choose one section from A to F, then tick one box which best describes your ethnic group or background

A. White

  • 1. Scottish
  • 2. Other British
  • 3. Irish
  • 4. Gypsy/Traveller
  • 5. Polish
  • 6. Other white ethnic group, please write in

B. Mixed or multiple ethnic groups

  • 7. Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups, please write in

C. Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British

  • 8. Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British
  • 9. Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British
  • 10. Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British
  • 11. Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British
  • 12. Other, please write in

D. African

  • 13. African, African Scottish or African British
  • 14. Other, please write in

E. Caribbean or Black

  • 15. Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish, or Caribbean British
  • 16. Black, Black Scottish or Black British
  • 17. Other, please write in

F. Other ethnic group

  • 18. Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British
  • 19. Other, please write in



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