
Sex, gender identity, trans status - data collection and publication: guidance

Guidance for public bodies on the collection of data on sex and gender.

12. Key Questions – Checklist for Data Collectors

This provides a list of the important questions those collecting data must be able to answer while collecting and using data about sex, and trans status.


  • Why are you collecting data on sex, and/or trans status?
  • Are you clear how you are going to actually use the data to improve your services and promote equality?
  • Which question or questions best meets your aims and purpose(s) of the data collection?
  • Do you need to carry out a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)[29]? This is a legal requirement when processing special category data[30].


  • What are the steps you are taking to avoid bias and maximise response in the data collected?
  • How would you know that there are no inherent biases in the data?

Once you have the data

  • Does it tell you anything that can be used to improve your services and promote equality?
  • How can you share it to maximise its value?
  • How have you considered the maintenance of people's privacy in how you manage raw data and publish aggregate information?
  • Do any surprising results need to be investigated further?



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