
Employee grievances: NHSScotland PIN policy

This Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy is not in use after 1 March 2020. Policies in force after 1 March 2020 are on

Appendix 2



Where this PIN policy refers to written records or documentation, this shall be interpreted as including any other additional format needed as a way of ensuring understanding by overcoming accessibility issues. Any documentation produced by an organisation for dealing with grievances and any forms that the employer requires the employee to complete must be clear and simple. Employees who have difficulty expressing themselves on paper and in English are encouraged to seek help from a work colleague, trade union/professional organisation representative, or a representative from the HR department in setting out their grievance.


For the purposes of this PIN policy, the term 'employee' shall apply equally to all persons in the employment of the organisation, irrespective of their role.


Mediation is a voluntary and confidential form of alternative dispute resolution. It involves an independent, impartial person helping two or more individuals or groups reach a solution that is acceptable to everyone. The mediator can talk to both sides separately or together. Mediators do not make judgments or determine outcomes - they ask questions that help to uncover underlying problems, assist the parties to understand the issues and help them to clarify the options for resolving their difference or dispute. In this PIN policy, references to a third-party mediator include both mediators employed by the same organisation as the parties, and also those employed by other NHSScotland Boards and external organisations.

Further Reading

ACASCode of Practice - Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures'17

'Discipline and grievances at work: the ACAS guide'18

'Mediation: an Employer's Guide' ( ACAS)19

PIN Policy Review Group


George Doherty

Associate Director for Workforce, NHS Tayside


Serena Barnett

Head of Human Resources (East Dunbartonshire CHP),
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

David Forbes


Colin Poolman


Alison Johnstone

Staff Governance Associate, Scottish Government

Darren Paterson

Staff Governance Associate, Scottish Government

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