Death in Prison Custody: action plan - updated March 2024

Death in prison custody action plan update of March 2024 on the recommendations from the Independent Review into Deaths in Prison Custody.

3. Progress on Advisory Points

Advisory Point 1 

Owner: SPS and NHS

Progress made: SPS are keen to continue to work with a family reference group and we will engage with Families Outside to consider how that might be achieved. SPS do not consider they should lead on commissioning services for families and their funding and governance arrangements would not permit this. Further, SPS have noted that it is not their role to provide bereavement support for families and they feel their role would be limited to signposting only.

Advisory Point 2

Owner: SPS

Progress made: SPS noted that there are no immediate plans to progress this recommendation as it would require a large estates project and significant budget implication which the SPS is not currently resourced to deliver. SPS will, however, further consider the evidence base and prepare a business case for funding to SG if required.

Advisory Point 3

Owner: SPS (to lead) and NHS

Next Key Actions: This will be reconsidered with the planned review of DIPLAR by end of March 2024

Advisory Point 4

Owner: SPS (to lead) and NHS

This advisory point has been implemented.

Advisory Point 5

Owner: SPS (to lead) and NHS

This advisory point has been implemented.

Advisory Point 6 

Owner: SPS

Progress made: Chaplaincy Advisors and Health will further develop the draft protocol with options for memorial services etc in line with the planned review of DIPLAR by end of March 2024.



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