Death in Prison Custody: action plan - updated November 2023

Death in prison custody action plan update of November 2023 on the recommendations from the Independent Review into Deaths in Prison Custody.

3. Progress on Advisory Points 

Advisory Point 1 

Owner: SPS and NHS

Progress made: An initial exploration meeting Families Outside took place in August. This included SPS, a member of the Family Reference Group and the National Prison Care Network. This hasn't been progressed further at this stage.

Advisory Point 2

Owner: SPS

Progress made: SPS noted that there are no immediate plans to progress this recommendation as it would require a large estates project and significant budget implication which the SPS is not currently resourced to deliver. 

Advisory Points 3, 4 and 5 

Owner: SPS (to lead) and NHS

Progress made: Please see recommendation 2.4 for an update. 

Advisory Point 6 

Owner: SPS

Progress made: SPS revised the DIPLAR Report template to include a section on funeral, memorial service and tributes. To be recorded in this section are details of any memorial service or tributes organised by the establishment and whether SPS staff attended the funeral.



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