What to do after a death in Scotland - practical advice for times of bereavement: revised 11th edition 2016 (web only)

General information on what to do after someone dies in Scotland and about succession and inheritance law. See https://www.mygov.scot/bereavement-benefits/ for the latest information about benefits.

14. The home

If you are living in a home which the dead person owned or rented:

  • Do not move out of the home without getting legal advice about your rights.
  • Do not let (rent out) the whole or part of the home or take in a lodger without getting legal advice on whether the agreement with the building society, Council or landlord allows this.
  • Contact the building society, the landlord or Council to arrange how the mortgage or rent should be paid in future.
  • Find out if there is any insurance policy covering the mortgage and if so inform the insurance company of the death.



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