
What to do after a death in Scotland - practical advice for times of bereavement: revised 11th edition 2016 (web only)

General information on what to do after someone dies in Scotland and about succession and inheritance law. See for the latest information about benefits.

Part IV. What Else Has To Be Done?

17. Other things to do

This part includes examples of the kinds of things that you may have to do. It is not a complete list and so may not cover everyone's individual circumstances.

You should return:

  • All the person's medicines to a community pharmacist as soon as possible for destruction.
  • Payable orders or benefit cheques to the local Jobcentre Plus. This applies also to a child benefit book which includes payment for a child who has died. Payments should not be cashed after the death of the person.
  • The person's passport to the United Kingdom Passport Service, 3 Northgate, 96 Milton Street, Glasgow G4 0BT. Before posting it, please cut off the top right hand corner of the book to physically cancel it. For further advice please visit or telephone the Passport Adviceline on 0300 222 0000.
  • The driving licence to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AB with a covering letter.
  • The Registration Certificate, for the change of ownership to be recorded to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1AB.
  • Blue Badge - the Blue Badge is a parking badge given to some disabled people who find it difficult to get around without using a car. If the deceased person was a Blue Badge holder then his or her Blue Badge should be returned as soon as possible, either to the Chief Executive or Social Work Department of the Council that issued the Badge.
  • If the deceased holds a current Firearm, Shotgun, Explosive or Dealer Certificate, please liaise with your local Police Firearms and Explosive Department or dial 101 and ask to be put through to the department in your area. Police Scotland Firearms and Explosive Licensing Department will advise you on the requirements regarding any weapons and certificates belonging to the deceased.
  • Any season ticket, and claim any refund due.*
  • Membership cards of clubs and associations, and claim on unexpired memberships.*
  • Library books and tickets.

You should enclose a note of explanation with the date of death with each of these documents.

* Any sums recovered must be included in the inventory (see section 11).

You should tell:

  • The local Jobcentre Plus if the person who died was receiving benefits. You can do this quickly and easily by telephoning the Benefit Enquiry Line on 0800 882200. If you have speech or hearing problems you can telephone the textphone service 0800 243 355. You can also get general information from the government website
  • The social work department if the person had been getting meals on wheels, a home help, or had an appliance or aid issued by the department.
  • Any hospital or nursing home the person had been attending.
  • The family doctor to cancel any home nursing.
  • The employer and trade union.
  • The children's teacher if a parent, brother or sister has died.
  • The person's bank.


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