Deciding what 'care experience' means: consultation - easy read

Easy read version of consultation seeking views on the need for a universal definition of ‘care experience’ and what the potential impacts of this could be.

How to answer the consultation

There are 3 ways you can answer the questions in the consultation:

  • online
  • by post
  • by email


You can answer online on the Scottish Government’s consultation hub called Citizen Space.

If you use the consultation hub to answer, you will get sent a copy of your answers by email.

By post

You can type or write your answers on this form and send it to us.

If you want to write your answers in the boxes then you can use the enter button to make the boxes bigger first.

Then print out the answer pages ready to write on.

Put your answers in an envelope and write the address on the front.

The address is:

Keeping the Promise Team
St Andrews House
2 Regent Road

By email

You can send us your answers by email.

If you are answering by using this document, click on the box of the answer you agree with and a tick will appear. ☐

If you change your mind you can click on it again to untick it.

If you are typing, the spaces will get bigger as you type.

When you have finished, save a copy and email it to:

There are 10 questions in the survey.

Each question has a number and is in bold black writing.

Engagement means communicating with people to find out what they think and what their experiences are.

The Scottish Government will have online and face-to-face engagement sessions to give us information for the consultation report.

Information about the sessions will be online here: Developing a Universal Definition of ‘Care Experience’ Consultation Page



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