Deciding what 'care experience' means: consultation - easy read

Easy read version of consultation seeking views on the need for a universal definition of ‘care experience’ and what the potential impacts of this could be.

Part 2: the words we use about care

The Promise tells us that language is important.

People should not use very formal language or professional words.

Many council areas have made language of care guidance and changed ways of working so that some words and phrases are not used.

There may be a way to make sure that all organisations across Scotland use the same words and phrases about care experience.


Q8. Do you want to tell us anything about the language of care that we have now?

Write or type your answer here:

Q9. How would you change the language of care to make it better?

Write or type your answer here:

Q10. Do you know of good ways of working to change the language of care and make it better?

Write or type your answer here:



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