Decision-making: children and young people's participation

How to involve children and young people in decision-making.

Research publications

There is a wide range of research available on children and young people’s participation in decision-making. 

Our expert working group has provided a selection of research reports and papers, which are openly available. Other publications have been suggested but it is not possible to include these as they are not available as Open Access. 

Some of the publications are on ResearchGate. You need to join this free website to be able to view the publications. Some publications can be found on Google Scholar and teachers can access publications through the GTCS website.

The following list is not comprehensive and are suggestions only. If you would like to suggest any other open access publications for us to consider, please email   

Children and young people's participation research by topic

Early years

Children and young people

Participation in education and learning

Participation in research

Conceptualising/theorising participation


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