
Decision on Braeview and Cragie High School closure: letter to Dundee City Council

Decision letter to Dundee City Council on 23 June 2021 regarding the school closure of Braeview and Cragie High School.

Dear Paul Clancy,

Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010: The closure Of Braeview Academy And Craigie High School  and Expansion of the Grove Academy catchment area to embrace Craigiebarns Primary School catchment area

I refer to your letter of 26 January 2021 notifying Scottish Ministers of Dundee City Council’s decision of 25 January 2021 to implement the proposal to close Braeview Academy and Craigie High School  and expand Grove Academy’s catchment area to embrace Craigiebarns Primary School’s catchment area.

In this particular case, administrative difficulties meant that the formal notification of Dundee City Council’s decision on 25 January 2021 was not received by the relevant team until 29 April. As a result, Minister’s powers under the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 (“the 2010 Act”)  to “call-in” have now lapsed. Notwithstanding this, we have considered the proposal as we would any other school closure proposal.

We conclude that Dundee City Council’s proposal to close Braeview Academy and Craigie High School is a reasonable one that will offer educational benefit, and that the Council has taken reasonable steps to respond to and address concerns raised during the consultation.  We conclude that, in its decisions to implement the proposed closure of Braeview Academy and Craigie High School, Dundee City Council has fulfilled its statutory obligations under the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010.

We also request that all notifications to the Scottish Ministers of a decision to close a school and related documentation be sent to the following email address, and to telephone the School Organisation Team on 0131 244 8261 to confirm receipt.

Yours sincerely,

Liza McLean

Interim Deputy Director, Learning Worforce, Infrastructure and Reform



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