
Delivering better outcomes for consumers and businesses in Scotland

Provides details of our recently devolved consumer and competition powers.


1. Scotland Act 2016, 2016 c.11

2. There are some reservations to the Scotland Act 2016 powers, specifically telecommunications and wireless telegraphy, and transport.

3. A market investigation is a detailed look into whether there may be potential adverse effects on competition in the market for goods or services referred.

4. The Working Group on Consumer and Competition Policy for Scotland was established in June 2015, producing its final report in October 2015. The Working Group was chaired by Rick Hill, MBE.

5. Which research - Scots receive more nuisance calls than the rest of the UK, 29 June 2016

6. 'Ensuring that Markets Work Well for Businesses and Consumers - A Strategic Assessment of Markets in Scotland', Scottish Government, June 2016.

7. Examples include Uber, Airbnb and Netflix.

8. " One Planet Prosperity - Our Regulatory Strategy", SEPA, Aug 2016


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