
Perinatal mental health services: needs assessment and recommendations

Recommendations across all tiers of service delivery, with the aim of ensuring that Scotland has the best services for women with, or at risk of, mental ill health in pregnancy or the postnatal period, their infants, partners and families.

7. References

British Psychological Society (Consultation Document, 2019) Perinatal Psychology Provision in Specialist Perinatal Community Mental Health Services.

Cameron EE, Sedov ID and Tomfohr-Madsen LM (2016) Prevalence of paternal depression in pregnancy and the postpartum: an updated meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 206, 189-203.

Cantwell R, Youd E and Knight M on behalf of the MBRRACE-UK mental health chapter-writing group. Messages for mental health. In Knight M, Bunch K, Tuffnell D, Jayakody H, Shakespeare J, Kotnis R, Kenyon S, Kurinczuk JJ (Eds.) on behalf of MBRRACE-UK. Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care - Lessons learned to inform maternity care from the UK and Ireland Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths and Morbidity 2014-16. Oxford: National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford 2018: p42-60. Accessed at Maternal%20Report%202018%20-%20Web%20Version.pdf

Early Intervention Foundation: EIF Guidebook. Accessed at

Jones I et al (2014) Bipolar disorder, affective psychosis and schizophrenia in pregnancy and the postpartum period. Lancet 384, 1789-99.

Mental Welfare Commission (2016) Perinatal themed visit report: keeping mothers and babies in mind. Accessed at

NHS Education for Scotland (2015) The Matrix: a guide to delivering evidence-based psychological therapies in Scotland. Accessed at psychology/the-matrix-(2015)-a-guide-to-delivering-evidence-based-psychological-therapies-in-scotland/ the-matrix-(2015)-a-guide-to-delivering-evidence-based-psychological-therapies-in-scotland.aspx

NHS Education for Scotland (2019) Curricular Framework for Perinatal Mental Health Accessed at

NICE CG192: Antenatal and postnatal mental health. Clinical management and service guidance. NICE, 2014. Accessed at

NICE QS115: Antenatal and postnatal mental health quality standard. NICE, 2016. Accessed at

Royal College of Midwives (2015) Caring for women with mental health problems. Standards and competency framework for specialist maternal mental health midwives. Accessed at https://www.rcm. 32pp%20A4_h.pdf

Royal College of Psychiatrists (2015) CR197: Perinatal mental health services. Recommendations for the provision of services for childbearing women. Accessed at

Royal College of Psychiatrists (2018) CR216: Framework for routine outcome measures in perinatal psychiatry. Accessed at college-reports/college-report-cr216.pdf?sfvrsn=12b1e81c_2

Royal College of Psychiatrists (2018) Standards for community perinatal mental health services, 4th edition. Accessed at pdf?sfvrsn=f31a205a_4

Royal College of Psychiatrists (2018) Standards for inpatient perinatal mental health services, 6th edition. Accessed at perinatal/pqn-inpatient-standards-6th-edition.pdf?sfvrsn=784c9e16_2

Scottish Government (2015) Universal health visiting pathway in Scotland. Accessed at https://www.

Scottish Government (2017) The Best Start: five-year plan for maternity and neonatal care. Accessed at

Scottish Government (2018) Better mental health in Scotland: mental health programme for government delivery plan. Accessed at

Scottish Government (2018) Children and Young People’s Mental Health Task Force: Delivery Plan. Accessed at

SIGN 127: Management of perinatal mood disorders. A national clinical guideline. SIGN, 2012. Accessed at

Sserwanja I & Marjoribanks D (2016) Relationship Distress Monitor: estimating levels of adult couple relationship distress across the UK. Accessed at distress_monitor_0.pdf

Stein A et al (2014) Effects of perinatal disorders on the fetus and child. Lancet 384, 1800-19.

Further reading and resources

Action on Postpartum Psychosis Peer Support Network. Accessed at

Early Interventions Foundation Guidebook. Accessed at

McAllister-Williams RH, Baldwin DS, Cantwell R et al (2017) British Association for Psychopharmacology consensus guidance on the use of psychotropic medication preconception, in pregnancy and postpartum 2017. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1-34.

Scottish Government (2017) Mental Health Strategy: 2017-2027. Accessed at publications/mental-health-strategy-2017-2027/

Scottish Government (2018) Delivering for today, investing for tomorrow: the Government’s programme for Scotland 2018-2019. Accessed at



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