
Perinatal mental health services: needs assessment and recommendations

Recommendations across all tiers of service delivery, with the aim of ensuring that Scotland has the best services for women with, or at risk of, mental ill health in pregnancy or the postnatal period, their infants, partners and families.

Appendix 1

Perinatal Mental Health Network Scotland

The Scottish Perinatal Mental Health National Managed Clinical Network was established in 2017 following a commitment by the Scottish Government in the 10-year Mental Health Strategy (2017) to deliver improvements in the provision of mental health services to pregnant and postnatal women, their infants and families.

The Network is commissioned and governed through the National Network Management Service (NNMS) of NHS Scotland National Services Division (NSD). Oversight of the work of the Network is also provided by the Mental Health Strategy Implementation Group.

The Network’s overarching aim is to bring statutory (NHS and Integrated Joint Boards, including social services) and third sector professionals together, alongside women, their infants and families, to ensure equity of access to high quality services across Scotland for women experiencing, or at risk of, mental health problems in the perinatal period. It is also responsible for ensuring access to appropriate infant mental services for children who require them, up to the age of 12 months.

The Network has identified four broad roles through which these aims can be achieved:

  • Working in Partnership with professionals, women and their families to ensure broad consultation anda primary role in the Network for those with lived experience
  • Developing Professional Expertise across all professional and third sector groups to ensure that thosewho come in contact with women, and their families, in the perinatal period have the knowledge and skills to deliver high quality care
  • Ensuring Equity of Care through recommendations on service provision across all tiers of servicedelivery, taking into account the distinctive needs brought about by geography and birth numbers
  • Delivering Best Outcomes by working with professionals and those with lived experience to establishstandards for excellence in care and outcome measures

The Network team

Alley Speirs, Senior Programme Manager

Roch Cantwell, Lead Clinician and Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist

Elaine Clark, Nurse Lead and Nurse Consultant, Perinatal Mental Health

Shona McCann, Maternity Lead and Specialist Mental Health Midwife

Anne McFadyen, Infant Mental Health Lead and Consultant CAMHS Psychiatrist

Susan Fairley, Programme Support Officer

Louise Smith, Data Analyst



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