
Delivering a Greener, Fairer, Independent Scotland - One Year On

Delivering a Greener, Fairer, Independent Scotland - One Year On provides an update on the progress made since the Bute House Agreement was reached between the Scottish Government and the Scottish Green Party.

Progress in the First Year

The Bute House Agreement set out an ambitious shared policy programme, including an accelerated response to the climate emergency, a commitment to reform Scotland's public services and to act on pressing social issues, and a reaffirmed commitment to independence.

The first year of the Agreement has demonstrated delivery across these key priorities, supported by the strong, collaborative relationships between both parties. A cornerstone of the Bute House Agreement is the approach to how politics is done. The Scottish Government and the Scottish Green Party have worked together collaboratively, establishing mutual trust, and developing a good faith approach to governing.

Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater, co-leaders of the Scottish Green Party, were appointed as the Scottish Government Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants' Rights, and Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, respectively. As committed to in the Agreement, Mr Harvie is a member of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Legislation and both he and Ms Slater are members of the newly formed Cabinet Sub-Committee on the Climate Emergency, placing them at the centre of delivering the Government's agenda and shaping future policy. Mr Harvie and Ms Slater both help to shape the Scottish Government's priorities as members of the Public Services and Economy Ministerial Group chaired by the Deputy First Minister.

The world has changed substantially since the Agreement was reached 12 months ago. The conflict in Ukraine and the rising cost of living crisis have profoundly impacted the lives of people of Scotland. However, the stable and collaborative government provided by the Agreement, has helped government to deliver immediate action in the face of these challenges, including supporting those displaced from Ukraine and using the powers available to Ministers to address the cost of living crisis.

In order to support households and businesses through the ongoing cost crisis, a number of immediate actions have been identified. These actions include undertaking an emergency budget review to assess any opportunities to redirect resources, and continuing to maximise direct financial assistance available to those most in need, principally through ongoing work to extend eligibility for and increase the value of the Scottish Child Payment; attempting to limit increases in costs by considering options for regulatory action and engaging with energy companies, banks and food retailers to examine what help they can provide; working with partners to strengthen emergency food and fuel provision, prioritising a 'cash first' approach; and providing further advice to households on reducing energy consumption.

The Bute House Agreement is embedded within the Programme for Government 2021-22 'A Fairer, Greener Scotland',which set out an agenda for the full parliamentary term. This first year of work has seen the development of an agreed legislative programme of 16 bills – 5 of which have already been passed by the Scottish Parliament, the successful passage of the Government's Budget, the publication of Best Start, Bright Futures: Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2022-26, an updated Climate Change Plan and a Resource Spending Review, along with delivery on a range of policies and programmes committed to in the Agreement. The forthcoming Programme for Government 2022-23 will set out the actions from the Bute House Agreement to be taken forward in the next twelve months.



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