
Delivering for Mental Health: plan

National plan for delivery of mental health services.

Table of commitments and targets



Related Target

Commitment 1: We will develop a tool to assess the degree to which organisations and programmes meet our expectations in respect of equality, social inclusion, recovery and rights. The tool will be piloted in 2007 and be in general use by 2010

Pilot 2007

Implemented 2010

Target 3

Commitment 2: We will have in place a training programme for peer support workers by 2008 with peer support workers being employed in three board areas, later that year

Pilot completed by end 2008

Targets 2 & 3

Commitment 3: We will work with GPs to ensure that new patients presenting with depression will have a formal assessment using a standardised tool and a matched therapy appropriate to the level of need. We will also develop treatment models for those who have depression and anxiety and who have coronary heart disease and/or diabetes who are identified under the new QOF arrangements


Target 1

Commitment 4: We will increase the availability of evidence-based psychological therapies for all age groups in a range of settings and through a range of providers


Target 1

Commitment 5: We will improve the physical health of those with severe and enduring mental illness by ensuring that every such patient, where possible and appropriate, has a physical health assessment at least once every 15 months


Targets 2 & 3

Commitment 6:NHSQIS will develop the standards for ICPs for schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, depression, dementia and personality disorder by the end of 2007. NHS Board areas will develop and implement ICPs and these will be accredited from 2008 onwards.

Standards - Summer 2007 ICP development & accreditations 2009

Targets 1, 2 & 3

Commitment 7: Key frontline mental health services, primary care and accident and emergency staff will be educated and trained in using suicide assessment tools/suicide prevention training programmes. 50% of target staff will be trained by 2010


Targets 2 & 3

Commitment 8: Ensure that people are managed and cared for more effectively in the community and avoid inappropriate admissions by ensuring that the crisis standards are achieved by 2009


Targets 2 & 3

Commitment 9: We will establish acute inpatient forums across all Board areas comprising service providers, service users and carers as well as other stakeholders such as Local Authority colleagues


Target 3

Commitment 10: We will improve mental health services being offered to children and young people by ensuring that by 2008:

  • a named mental health link person is available to every school, fulfilling the functions outlined in the Framework.
  • basic mental health training should be offered to all those working with, or caring for, looked after and accommodated children and young people


Target 3

Commitment 11: We will reduce the number of admissions of children and young people to adult beds by 50% by 2009


Target 3

Commitment 12: We will implement the new Care Programme Approach for all restricted patients by 2008


Commitment 13: We will translate the principles of Mind the Gaps and a Fuller Life into practical measures and advice on what action needs to be taken to move the joint agenda forward and support joined-up local delivery by the end of 2007


Targets 1, 2 & 3

Commitment 14: We will work with the Dementia Services Development Centre at Stirling University and NHS Forth Valley to undertake a pilot programme in improving dementia services. The Pilot will be evaluated in 2008


Targets 2 & 3



Target 1: Reduce the annual rate of increase of defined daily dose per capita of antidepressants to zero by 2009/10.


Target 2: Reduce Suicides in Scotland by 20% by 2013 (existing target).


Target 3: We will reduce the number of readmissions (within one year) for those that have had a hospital admission of over 7 days by 10% by the end of December 2009

Dec 2009

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