
Delivering for Mental Health: plan

National plan for delivery of mental health services.

Mental Health Improvement in Scotland Initiatives and Links

The Scottish Executive's National Programme for Improving Mental Health and Well-being works in collaboration with a range of agencies and organisations on mental health improvement with the keys aims of Promoting the mental health and well-being of the people of Scotland, Preventing mental health problems and suicide, and Supporting improvements in the quality of life and social inclusion of those experiencing mental health problems or illness. The following table offers some of the products and services supported by Executive funding and provided by a range of agencies and organisations: This list is not exhaustive and initatives are subject to review, but helps to illustrate the additional support and activity offered in this area.




Choose Life

The national strategy and action plan to prevent suicide, which also offers advice and information about suicide statistics, suicide prevention, research and training (including ASIST and STORM) via the Choose Life website.

A combination of practitioners and public interested in suicide prevention.

'see me'

'see me' - the award-winning anti-stigma and discrimination campaign and website which offers resources, information and personal stories around stigma.

A combination of practitioners and public interested in eliminating stigma and discrimination around mental ill health.

Scottish Recovery Network

A website that offers information about recovery including personal testimony, research and international models of recovery.

A combination of practitioners and public interested in recovery.

NHS Health Scotland

Scotland's Mental Health First Aid Training ( SMHFA). A training course that helps people recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and how to offer initial assistance, support and guidance.

Community groups, frontline NHS staff, local authorities, police, prison staff and the general public.

HeadsUpScotland and Scottish Development Centre

Training courses - aiming to develop an understanding of the mental health needs of children and young people.

Frontline staff working with children and young people.

NHS 24

Breathing Space Helpline 0800 83 85 87 - a telephone listening, advice and signposting service (and website) for people experiencing low mood and depression. This service is free and confidential and is open daily between 6 pm and 2 am.

The general adult public in Scotland. With a specific target audience of men.

National Programme Team

Well? - A magazine distributed to approximately 80,000 people in Scotland twice a year, that highlights mental health improvement work, contacts and news. - the website for mental health improvement work in Scotland which acts as the main source of news, research and information.

A combination of practitioners and general public interested in mental health issues.

Health Working Lives

A course that helps employers understand their role and responsibilities in relation to employees' mental health and well-being.

People responsible for the health of employees.

National Resource Centre for Ethnic Minority Health

A network of agencies across Scotland aimed at improving the mental health of people within black and minority ethnic communities.

Community groups, frontline mental health staff, planners, BME communities and service users.

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