
Delivering net zero for Scotland's buildings - Heat in Buildings Bill: consultation

A consultation on proposals to make new laws around the energy efficiency of our homes and buildings and the way we heat those buildings.

7. Amendments to Existing Legislation

Renewable heat target

7.1 Our Heat in Buildings Strategy set out a provisional target for renewable heat of at least 22% by 2030. This target is based on a requirement in previous legislation, and relates to the percentage of heat to be produced from renewable sources. This target doesn’t capture the ways in which Scotland is performing on heat decarbonisation and emissions as a whole. We believe that the Heat in Buildings Bill gives us an opportunity to change this.

7.2 We may want to include powers within the proposed Heat in Buildings Bill requiring a new or amended target. We believe that an alternative target and set of metrics could be more understandable and provide a better illustration of our progress, as well as a better signal and greater confidence to clean heating and building retrofit installers and businesses.

Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021

7.3 In 2021, Scotland was the first country within the UK to pass legislation to support the growth of heat networks. The UK Parliament has since passed the Energy Act 2023 which will bring welcome new consumer protections for heat network consumers across Great Britain.

7.4 As a result, we may wish or need to amend our 2021 Act to ensure alignment with the Energy Act and that the sector is regulated proportionately in Scotland.

7.5 The amendments to the 2021 Act that we envisage are likely to be technical in nature – for example, reviewing the definition of a heat network, or the links between heat network consents and key assets – but we also welcome views on whether further changes could be made to build on the Act in support of the sector.

Questions on Chapter 7 - Amendments to Existing Legislation

Q26. Do you agree with our proposals to include powers in the proposed Heat in Buildings Bill to change the current requirement in legislation for a narrowly-defined renewable heat target?



Don’t Know

Please include any additional comments below.

Q27. Do you agree that the Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021 should be amended in light of the passage of the Energy Act 2023?



Don’t Know

Please include any additional comments below.

Q28. Are there any further amendments to the Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021 that the Scottish Government should consider?



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