
Delivering quality in primary care: progress report

Progress report from 2012 which details the progress made in implementing the delivering quality in primary care action plan.

1. Chairman's introduction

In August 2010, following earlier publication of the NHSScotland Quality Strategy [1], the Delivering Quality in Primary Care Action Plan [2] was published. It identified a shared focus on priorities and a strategic direction for the development of primary care in Scotland. The plan made a commitment to a set of key enabling national level actions which were seen as most likely to make the biggest impact on improving quality in primary care. In order to promote progress, a Delivering Quality in Primary Care (DQPC) steering group was established.

As chairman of the DQPC steering group, I have been grateful for the time, enthusiastic participation and professional expertise that individual members have brought to this work and for the supporting secretariat. In driving forward the actions, one of our main concerns has been how to ensure that the key contribution of primary care is sufficiently recognised and that the independent primary care contractors are full partners in that progress. We have recognised that professional leadership is key to the successful implementation of the plan, working in partnership with the Scottish Government, NHS Boards and other agencies.

I believe the DQPC steering group has exemplified a mutual, collaborative NHSScotland working together towards a common aim. This short report is a description, in practical terms, of actions that have been taken to begin the journey of turning our vision for primary care into reality. It sets these actions in the context of the work of the Quality Alliance Board [3] and its National Quality Delivery Groups, framing them alongside existing initiatives. Inevitably, this report cannot do ample justice to the myriad of endeavours that are presently underway to improve quality in primary care services for patients throughout Scotland. In particular, it does not seek to elaborate on the respective roles of individual health professional groups, which are continuing to evolve rapidly as new models of care are developed.

The Delivering Quality in Primary Care Action Plan set in train a plan which aspires for long-term sustainable improvement of quality in primary care in Scotland. In the short term, we envisage that the DQPC steering group will continue to act as a reference group to promote the development of the actions in the DQPC plan. In the longer term, the Scottish Government's National Quality Strategy Delivery Group structures will take forward any specific actions for primary care.

Signature of Sir Lewis Ritchie

Sir Lewis Ritchie


Email: Jessica McPherson

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