
Delivering Scotland's circular economy: Proposed Circular Economy Bill - Consultation analysis

Report of the analysis of responses to the consultation on proposed provisions for a Circular Economy Bill.

Appendix 4 – Standard Campaign Response

I’m getting in touch in response to the consultation on proposals for Circular Economy legislation, which I’m really pleased to see. I’m asking that carbon and material consumption-based targets are at the heart of plans for a circular economy in Scotland, to reduce our contribution to the climate and nature crises.

Scotland’s material use is more than double the sustainable limit. The system which led us to this point cannot be the one to get us out of it: we must change the way we use materials to drastically reduce the impact of our consumption.

Scotland’s current climate targets only focus on domestic emissions, and are ignoring the impacts of products we import. Climate change is a global issue and it cannot be mitigated without a global solution. Our targets must take responsibility for the impact of Scottish demand overseas.

The Circular Economy Bill should create a system where the welfare of citizens is not linked to material consumption of the nation. This system change requires greater understanding of the environmental and social impact of taking from nature and of how we better manage resources already in our economy so they last longer and can be reused more.

I want to see:

  • Strong carbon and material footprint reduction targets for Scotland which move beyond our existing domestic climate goals and take responsibility for the impact of Scottish consumption abroad. These should be science-based and statutory.
  • A new Circular Economy Committee to advise the Government on progress and how to meet the targets. It should be adequately resourced and independent of government and from delivery of any of its recommendations.
  • Minimise waste by providing incentives to encourage reuse and recycling, and standardise recycling services for households across Scotland to make it easier for people to recycle.
  • Sector level resource plans, created collaboratively, which aim to minimise resource requirements, ensure sustainable sourcing of materials and incentivise circularity once materials enter the economy.

Please treat this email as a full consultation response.



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