Delivering value based health and care: a vision for Scotland
Sets out the challenges our system is facing and how practising Realistic Medicine can deliver a more sustainable system. It includes six commitments on what we’ll do to support health and care professionals deliver care that people value.
6. Working in Partnership
We are in no doubt that delivering VBH&C across our health and social care system will be challenging. It requires a transformation in the way we deliver care and a change in culture where we focus on doing the right thing for the people we care for. As highlighted in a previous Chief Medical Officer's Annual Report, key to this will be working in collaboration with our partners. Together we will create the conditions for change and develop the solutions we need to overcome barriers to the delivery of VBH&C.
Delivering VBH&C will take a whole system approach that connects and integrates services around what matters to the people we care for; health; social care; public health; and third sector services. It provides a lifespan, from maternity and childhood through to end of life, encompasses both mental and physical health and recognises the role and voice of carers and families.
Communicate and Collaborate
Delivering VBH&C should not be viewed as yet another thing to deliver. It's about doing things differently. It's about collaborating with colleagues and the people we care for to ensure we deliver the outcomes that matter.
Partnership working will also be essential to enabling VBH&C through a 'Once for Scotland' approach to the identification, assessment and accelerated adoption of innovative technologies. This will be delivered through the Accelerated National Innovation Adoption (ANIA) pathway which brings together expertise from the CfSD, NHS National Services Scotland (NSS), Healthcare Improvement Scotland, PHS and NHS Education for Scotland. ANIA will ensure we are prioritising investment into the adoption of cutting-edge science that will meet the current and future needs of the peole of Scotland.
Key to unlocking the potential of scientific innovation to transform healthcare delivery will also be effective collaboration between the triple helix of academia, industry and the NHS. Programmes, such as the Scottish Health & Industry Partnership (SHIP), will utilise our regional innovation test beds to encourage entrepreneurship and offer innovators the opportunity to co-create, co-develop and adopt/commercialise goods and services.
Our work to support health and care colleagues to deliver VBH&C sits within the Sustainability and Value enabler of the Care and Wellbeing portfolio - the overall strategic reform policy and delivery framework within Health and Social Care in Scotland. As such we expect the delivery of VBH&C to support the major health and care reform programmes designed to improve population health, address health inequalities and improve health and care system sustainability.
VBH&C aligns with the developing practice model of 'Getting It Right for Everyone' (GIRFE). GIRFE will provide increased value by minimising duplication, enabling increased preventative care and ensuring better person centred outcomes. It aims to provide a more personalised way to access help and support when it is needed. GIRFE places the person at the centre of all decision making that affects them, to achieve the best outcomes, with a multi-agency approach regardless of the support that is needed at any stage of life.
We will ensure continued alignment across the Sustainability and Value programme, as well as other SG policy and strategy, including the NHS Climate Emergency and Sustainability Strategy. The Scottish Government Sustainability and Value programme aims to support the delivery of health and social care through improvements in quality, cost and clinical effectiveness, efficiency and a greater focus on outcomes and equity rather than outputs. It has four key work programmes shown below.
![This image shows the governance structure of VBH&C. At the top level is Health & Social Care Management board. Below this level there are 2 boxes: Sustainability and Value board and CMO Delivery board. On the bottom level there are 4 boxes: Financial Improvement Group, Operational Performance and Delivery Group, Climate Emergency and Sustainability Board and Value Based Health & Care group. The bottom 4 boxes are linked by arrows to the Sustainability and Value Board, which is then linked by an arrow to the Health and Social Care Management Board box. The Value Based Health & Care box also links by an arrow to the CMO Delivery board, which in turn links to the Health and Social Care Management Board box.](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/advice-guidance/2022/12/delivering-value-based-health-care-vision-scotland/SCT09228603561_g05.png)
Graphic text below:
- Health and Social Care Management Board
- Sustainability and Value Board Co-Chair: Board Chief Executive and IJB Chief Officer
- CMO Delivery Board
- Value Based Health & Care Group Chaired by DCMO Prof. Graham Ellis. Representatives from Scottish Government, external partners including NHS Boards and academia
- Financial Improvement Group
- Operational Performance and Delivery Group
- Climate Emergency and Sustainability Board Joint Chair: CMO and Chief Operating Officer
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