
Scottish Water - Delivery Assurance Group: performance progress report - quarter four 2022-2023

Sets out how Scottish Water is progressing with the delivery of projects and programmes included on the ‘Committed List’ and confirms the position up to the end of March 2023 (Q4 2022/23).

8. Future Improvements to Reporting

A key discussion topic at DAG has been in relation to what improvements to reporting are needed to be able to monitor customer benefits from the delivery of projects on the Committed List. At a high-level customer benefits from Investment are identified as part of the assessment of investment needs. Each need is linked to either a Ministerial Objective or asset management policy (Management Approach), and therefore projects added to the Committed List are known to deliver these needs.

It is recognised that further work is required to produce metrics with which to measure outputs and outcomes. At the DAG for quarter 3 an update was given on the definition of SR21 outputs to achieve this and comments where sought.

Since then there have been discussions and an exchange of correspondence between Scottish Water and WICS on the subject of the completeness and quality of reporting progress to the satisfaction of WICS for the remainder of this regulatory period. Further additions to DAG on customer outputs and outcomes has been put on hold and will be picked up as part of the programme of work being developed following this correspondence.



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