
Substance misuse services: delivery of psychological interventions

Strategy aimed at increasing access to support for people working to recover from problematic alcohol and drug use.

Appendix 1: Example audit tool to identify recommended level of training and supervision


Recommended good practice: training

Recommended good practice: supervision/coaching

Suggestions for audit

Motivational interviewing ( MI)

NES MI e-learning module

Coordinated by: service managers

Accessed via: online

Introductory level (two-day) training for all new staff

Coordinated by: service managers

Accessed via: local ADP/local addiction psychology ( AP) service/ NES/ SDF/other

Staff attend monthly coaching group to reflect and practice skills *

Coordinated by: local AP service

Accessed via: local AP service

- % staff completing online training

- % staff completing introductory/intermediate/advanced training

- number of staff attending regular practice development groups

- service user feedback

Where practice development groups assess competence (e.g., through use of assessments such as MIA- STEP), objective outcomes of competence may also be measured

Refresher, intermediate or advanced training for all experienced staff

Coordinated by: service managers

Accessed via: as above

Staff attend regular high-quality clinical supervision

Coordinated by: service managers

Accessed via: offered in-house or accessed via the local AP service

Basic CBT skills for relapse-prevention and recovery management **

NES Core Skills e-learning module

Coordinated by: service managers

Accessed via: online

Two/three-day core skills training for all new staff ( NES or bespoke)

Coordinated by: local AP service

Accessed via: local AP service

Staff attend monthly coaching group to reflect and practice skills*

Coordinated by: local psychology service

Accessed via: local AP service

- % staff completing online training

- % staff completing face-to-face training

- number of staff attending regular practice development groups

- service user feedback

Staff attend regular high-quality clinical supervision

Coordinated by: service managers

Accessed via: offered in-house or accessed via the local AP service

Trauma- informed approaches

NES trauma e-learning module

Coordinated by: service managers

Accessed: online

Training package (bespoke – approx. two days) for all new staff

Coordinated by: local AP service

Accessed via: local AP service

Staff attend regular high-quality clinical supervision which provides an opportunity to reflect on trauma-informed approaches to clinical practice

Coordinated by: service managers

Accessed via: in-house or accessed via the AP service

- % staff completing online training

- % staff completing face-to-face training

- service user feedback

* It is not necessary for staff to attend separate coaching sessions for MI and Core Skills – high-quality coaching should include elements of both, so attendance at one monthly coaching group is sufficient.

** These skills should include the following elements of skill/knowledge: node-link mapping, motivational enhancement, functional analysis, relapse prevention, recovery management and awareness of cognitive impairment


Alcohol and Drug Delivery team:

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