Coronavirus (COVID-19) - dementia and COVID-19: national action plan - easy read

This Plan, written in partnership with COSLA and key stakeholders, explains how the Scottish Government is working with others to support people with dementia and their families to get the right care, treatment and support at the right time as we come through and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

What this told us

People were unhappy about not being able to visit care homes because of COVID-19.

There were some worries that the human rights of people with dementia were not being respected.

People with dementia are not able to go to day services and other places.

People need support when they are first told they have dementia.

People with dementia can sometimes be digitally excluded.

This can be because of -

Poor wifi

Not having the right equipment

Not being confident using video conference tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

People with dementia can lose social and community connections which can lead to loneliness and other mental health issues.



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