Democracy Matters: Steering Group minutes - December 2024

The minutes of the first meeting of this group, held on 11 December 2024.

Attendees and apologies

Group chair

  • Ivan McKee MSP, Minister for Public Finance (Joint Chair)
  • Cllr Steven Heddle, COSLA Vice President (Joint Chair)


  • Anna Baxendale, Head of Health Improvement, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
  • Brian Davey, Democratic Governance Officer, Improvement Service
  • Douglas Hendry, Executive Director, Argyll and Bute Council
  • Elizabeth Docherty Director of Scottish Community Alliance
  • James Henderson, Local Democracy and Participation Academic
  • Jennifer Kerr, Community Engagement manager, South Lanarkshire Council
  • Jennifer McGee, Policy and Community Planning Officer, North Ayrshire (substitute for Jacqui Greenlees)
  • Katie Kelly, Chair, New Local
  • Lee Haxton, Community Planning Team Leader, Perth and Kinross Council
  • Olivia Brown, MSYP for Midlothian North and Musselburgh
  • Paul Vaughan, Hea of Communities and Neighbourhoods, Fife Council
  • Pauline Smith, Chief Executive, Development Trust Association Scotland
  • Philippa Balshaw, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Scottish Youth Parliament
  • Skye Allan MSYP for Dumfriesshire
  • Susan Paxton, Director of Scottish Community Development Centre
  • Tanveer Parnez, Black and Ethnic Minority Infrastructure Scotland
  • Tressa Burke, Chief Executive, Glasgow Disability Alliance
  • Willie Sullivan, Senior Director Campaigns and Scotland, Electoral Reform Society

Official support

  • Simon Mair, Scottish Government, Place Based Service Change
  • Julie McLachlan, Scottish Government, Place Based Service Change
  • Cameron Mellowes, Scottish Government, Local Governance Review
  • Ryan Little, Scottish Government, Local Governance Review
  • Christopher Robb, Scottish Government, Local Governance Review
  • Kathleen Glazik, Scottish Government, Community Empowerment
  • Simon Cameron, COSLA Chief Officer, Corporate Policy Team 
  • Garrick Smyth, COSLA Policy Officer
  • Brianna Fletcher, COSLA Policy Officer


  • Jacqui Greenlees, Senior Manager Policy Performance and Community Planning, North Ayrshire Council
  • Rona Blackwood, Head of Programmes, Children’s Parliament

Items and actions

Welcome and introduction by joint chairs

Mr McKee and Cllr Heddle welcomed group members to the first session of the Democracy Matters Steering Group. They both highlighted the importance of this work and their joint commitment to the Local Governance Review.

Terms of reference and workplan

The presentation provided an overview of the proposed terms of reference, outlining that they have been designed to make this space flexible and open to new ideas and concepts.

Officials offered the opportunity for group members to recommend specialist attendees to present at future meetings on a case by case basis, dependent on the discussion topic.

The Local Governance Review team presented a workplan which would help to ensure that high level draft models are designed by Spring 2025. Proposed topics were regulation, accountability, scrutiny, funding and resourcing as well as opportunities for regular discussion of key underpinning topics like powers, participation and capacity building.

Summary of discussion

Group members asked whether materials presented today could be shared with their networks, to precipitate further discussion. It was agreed that minutes of steering group meetings should be published, and wider engagement with networks is an important part of this work. This will be reflected in the group's terms of reference moving forward.

It was also noted that any materials shared should be caveated that they are under development and do not represent the views of Scottish Ministers, COSLA or the wider steering group.

Early model development

The presentation provided an overview of the draft early models which have been developed by officials, based on the key findings of the DM engagement process, to help shape discussion.

It was made clear that the draft models are designed to act as a stimulus for conversation and debate within the group, and should not be viewed as recommendations.

Summary of discussion

All were invited to share their initial reflections and participants noted that models presented in the paper are a positive step in putting together concrete proposals for community decision making and provide a useful basis to begin policy specific conversations.

The group also noted that the development of models provides an opportunity to streamline the community empowerment landscape.

Members highlighted that new models must have the appropriate resourcing and funding to support them.

The need to ensure that equality groups are both able to participate in community decision making and that their rights are not infringed upon at the most local level was highlighted.

Group members also advised that model implementation should also account for how to engage with groups that do not currently have strong community links or regularly participate in decision making processes, providing more opportunities for young people for example.

Decisions about community decision-making must provide communities with greater influence and sense of control, and a key barrier to overcome is not just funding but also resourcing, with capacity building being crucial for future implementation.

Group members highlighted legal considerations for models, and possible liability for any new community decision-making bodies.

It was suggested that the mechanism that allows Island based Local Authorities to request additional powers in the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 could be replicated at a more local level to allow communities to request additional powers.

Group members highlighted that there are other possible models which are operating in Scotland including community anchor organisation and anchor networks and equalities networks that could be considered by the steering group.

Next steps

To consider workshops for the group to further consider and discuss the models presented. SG and COSLA officials to action.

Group members to provide written feedback on the models presented and consider officials offer of individual meetings should they wish to discuss further.

Officials also offered meetings with individual group members to further discuss models.

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