
Deposit return scheme - gateway review: final report

Final report for the deposit return scheme gateway review.

9.0 Distribution of the Gateway Review Report

The contents of this report are confidential to the SRO and their representative/s. It is for the SRO to consider when and to whom they wish to make the report (or part thereof) available, and whether they would wish to be consulted before recipients of the report share its contents (or part thereof) with others.

This Report contains opinion on sensitive commercial issues and circulation should be managed accordingly.

The Review Team Members will not retain copies of the report nor discuss its content or conclusions with others.

A copy of the report is lodged with the PPPA so that it can identify and share the generic lessons from Independent Assurance Reviews. The PPPA will copy a summary of the report recommendations to the SG's Accountable Officer, and where appropriate, to the Organisation's Accountable Officer where the review has been conducted on behalf of one of the SG's Agencies, NDPBs or Health Sector organisations.

The PPA will provide a copy of the report to Review Team Members involved in any subsequent review as part of the preparatory documentation needed for Planning Meetings.

Any other request for copies of the Gateway Report will be directed to the SRO.



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