
Deposit return scheme - gateway review: final report

Final report for the deposit return scheme gateway review.

Annex A

Scottish Government - Programme and Project Management Principles


We align our programmes and projects to corporate priorities to ensure we deliver for the people of Scotland


We lead from the start by clearly communicating the vision, agreeing approaches, providing resource, collaborating across teams and setting a delivery culture.

Justification / BC

We secure a mandate for our work and ensure an ongoing justification is made by the benefits for the cost, or, stop any

unjustified work.


We understand our impacts on people place and value and ensure whole life value and whole life cost are central to decision making.

Knowledge & Data

We ensure our projects are learning organisations from day one, we seek and use information & data for the benefit of our work.

Flexibility & Capability

Our multidiscipline teams contain flexible and skilled people who focus on required identified capabilities and outcomes, not positions.

Roles and Responsibilities

We assign and delegate roles and responsibilities within our projects flowing from the SRO's appointment letter/delegation/mandate


We identify, assess and then manage our stakeholders to leverage maximum chance of success.


We start with the end in mind, formally focussing on the intended outcomes of our investment.


We consider all aspects of our projects and continuously plan; managing dependencies, agreeing and refining evidence- based assumptions and reporting on progress against milestones throughout


We identify, communicate and act upon the threats or opportunities to and for our outcomes.


We provide focus and resource to understand the end needs from the supplier side and a commitment and capability to

learn, manage and own the benefits/outcomes from the customer side.



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