
A deposit return scheme for Scotland: consultation

Consultation on the options for distinct elements of a deposit return scheme on beverage containers, seeking views on which options will deliver the best results for Scotland.

Equality Impact Questions Cross Referred to the EQIA

As noted in the introduction, ensuring that there are no equalities impacts from this work is a key part of system design. Presented alongside this paper is a partial Equality Impact Assessment ( EQIA) based on a generic model for a deposit return scheme. This document examines where possible equalities impacts could be and will help us ensure that any negative impacts will be avoided. A final EQIA will be prepared and presented alongside any further consultation for comment.

We would welcome your feedback on the partial EQIA. Q53. Have we correctly assessed potential impacts?

Don't Know

Q54. Do you think the proposed mitigation is comprehensive?

Don't Know


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