
Designing and Evaluating Behaviour Change Interventions

Easy-to-use guidance on designing and evaluating any behaviour change intervention using the 5-step approach


Guidance for service providers, funders and commissioners


This evaluation pack is aimed at both service providers and funders who aim to promote behaviour change.

For funders, it aims to:

  • Offer a strategic, evidence-based and outcomes-focused planning tool.
  • Demonstrate the role you can play in promoting and enabling high quality evaluations from those you fund.
  • Offer guidance on how to assess evaluations from service providers and therefore direct funding to greatest effect.

For service providers and policy makers, it aims to:

  • Provide guidance on planning an evidence-based service with a 'built in' evaluation process.
  • Provide guidance and resources for you to effectively assess, understand and demonstrate how well your service is working in relation to your aims.
  • Offer an alternative to randomised control trials, using a 'logic model' approach to evaluation, which any service provider can use to evaluate any intervention, regardless of size.
  • Encourage continual review and improvement of services.

Other audiences

The pack is primarily aimed at funders, commissioners and service providers with a focus on behaviour change. However, it is likely to be of interest to others with an interest in effective evaluation (such as inspectorates) and the approach can easily be adapted for projects that do not primarily seek behaviour change.

If your interest is in 'reducing crime and reoffending' then we have also published a tailored version of the 5 step approach for funders and service providers working in that field.


Email: Catherine Bisset

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