
Designing Streets toolkit: guidance and templates

Guidance and templates to aid the design and development of a proposal or masterplan.

The Designing Streets Toolkit supports our Designing Streets policy. This Toolkit includes guidance and templates to aid the design and development of a proposal or masterplan. We developed some of the tools in conjunction with Transport Scotland and the Society of Chief Officers of Transportation Scotland (SCOTS).

The following documents and guidance are included in the toolkit:-

  • Designing Streets Aligning Consents project update report - report on results of using a framework that aims to align information for both planning permissions and Roads Construction consents and streamline decision-making.

  • Designing Street Technique - Street Technique provides planners, engineers and developers with a standard method of analysis which can be used in pre-application discussions and planning applications.

  • Local authority street guidance template - a step-by-step technique that shows a clear vision of how integrated guidance on streets and placemaking can take shape.

  • Auditing quality using Designing Streets - contains guidance on how to get street design right to be used as a main reference when checking proposals during the design process.

  • Case study - Glasgow Commonwealth Games athletes village.

Other guidance:

  • SCOTS' National Roads Development Guide - produced by The Society of Chief Officers for Transportation in Scotland's guide focuses on how to achieve Roads Construction Consent for all new or improved roads for a local authority to adopt.
designing streets technique.pdf
Local authority street guidance.pdf
Approach to auditing quality using Designing Streets.pdf


Telephone: 0131 244 7461

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