Developing a community child health service for the 21st century

A report on a review of the community child health service in Scotland.

Annexe 15: Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

AAP: American Association of Paediatrics
ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADSW: Association of Directors of Social Work
AHP: Allied health professional (Professions allied to medicine such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, dietetics, podiatry)
AS: Ass Specialist: Associate specialist grade doctor - This was a more senior grade than the staff grade and intended for those doctors performing more specialised work. A window of opportunity was given to SASG s who wanted to apply to it, as there were differences in the terms and conditions. This grade is now closed to newcomers, as the window of opportunity to re-grade to AS closed on 31 st March 2009.
ASD: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
ASN: Additional support for learning needs ( legal term used in Scotland to describe the educational needs of children and young people with conditions compromising their learning ability)

BACCH: British Association for Community Child Health - UK organisation for community paediatricians
BME: Black Minority Ethnic

CAMHS: Child and adolescent mental health service - encompassing the whole specialist clinical team supporting the mental health of children and young people.
CCH: Community child health
CCT: Certificate of completion of training awarded to doctors when they have completed their higher specialist training in medicine and are eligible to apply for a consultant post.
CDC: Child Development Centre
CEN: Children with exceptional healthcare needs requiring intense multi-disciplinary support packages.
CH(C)P: Community health (and care) partnership - Unit of management in the NHS set up in Scotland to manage community and primary care services and sometimes also encompassing social care in conjunction with the local authority.
CHS: Child Health Service
CMA: Comprehensive medical assessment undertaken by a paediatrician for children suspected of being neglected or abused.
CME: Continuing professional education for medical staff
COSLA: Convention of Scottish Local Authorities - the consortium body which represents the collective views of Scottish local authorities.
CP: Child Protection
CPD: Continuing professional development for staff in the NHS
CSA: Child Sexual Abuse
CSAG: College Specialty Advisory Group, a body which advises on subspecialty training and devises the curriculum and arrangements for Higher Specialist Training (q.v.) in Medicine

DCC: Direct clinical care -Used to describe the patient care commitments [programmed activity or PA (q.v.) slots] of consultants and speciality doctors as part of their job plans.
DLA: Disability Living Allowance
DNA: Did not attend. Term used to describe patients who do not keep their appointments.

EWTR: European Working Time Regulations. These were introduced in the UK in 1998 after the passing of the Working Time directive by the European Union. Critically, the average maximum working week has been set at 48 hours from 2009, impinging on the way service is delivered in the NHS..

GIRFEC: Getting it Right for Every Child. The Scottish Government policy and guidance for the interagency approach to children.
GMC: General Medical Council - The body which oversees the training and probity of doctors in the UK
GUS: Growing up in Scotland longitudinal study.

HB: Health board - Main unit of management of the NHS in a geographical or policy area of Scotland.
HEAT: Scottish Government health improvement targets (relating to health improvement, efficiency and governance, access to services, treatment appropriate to individuals).

IRD: Initial referral discussion regarding child protection concerns between members of agencies including the NHS, Police and Local Authority Social Work.

LAACYP: Looked After and Accommodated Children and Young People
LEA: Local Education Authority
LD: Learning Disability

MCN: Managed clinical network for a specific condition across a geographical area (local, regional, national)
MMC: Modernising Medical Careers was introduced in 2007 as a programme of radical change to drive up the quality of care for patients through reform and improvement in postgraduate medical education and training.
MTF: RCPCH's Modelling the Future reports(1-3) which analyse and describe the future for paediatrics in the UK.

NAI: Non Accidental Injury
NES: NHS Education for Scotland - A special health board in Scotland which oversees the training of a wide range of health professionals and support CPD.
NHSiS: NHS in Scotland

OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. This organisation publishes comparative reports on the performance of different countries.
OP: out-patient
OT: Occupational Therapy

PA: Programmed activity ( 4 hour unit of work in a trained doctor's job plan).
PCT: Primary care trust (England) - NHS Unit of management for approximately 300,000 people.
PND: Paediatric Neurodisability

RCGP: Royal College of General Practitioners - Professional body for GPs
RCPCH: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health - Professional body for paediatricians
RHSC: Royal Hospital for Sick Children
RTT: Referral to treatment time (refers to Scottish government 18 week target).
RPG: Regional Planning Group

SACCH: Scottish Association for Community Child Health - Professional association for community paediatricians in Scotland.
SALT: Speech and Language Therapy
SASG: Staff and associate specialist grade [predecessor term for specialty doctors (q.v.)].
SCRA: Scottish Children's Reporter Administration
SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - a brief validated behavioural screening questionnaire for 3-16 year olds.
SGHD: Scottish Government Health Department
SPA: Supporting professional activity (referring to trained doctors' non- clinical work including their continuing professional development.)
SpD: 'Specialty doctor' is the new term for Specialty and Associated Specialty Grade ( SASG) doctors. The specialty doctor post is not a training grade; it is a grade where a doctor has at least 4 years of postgraduate training, two of those being in a relevant specialty. As specialty doctors are not in training, their roles are usually much more focussed on meeting NHS service requirements, compared to consultant roles
ST: Specialist trainee in a recognised postgraduate medical training programme with annual slots - Usually over 8 years ( ST 1-8).
SWD: Social Work Department

UNICEF: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
UTI: Urinary Tract Infection

WTE: Whole time equivalent unit of employees

YP: Young people


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