
Developing an Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing: consulation analysis

The report summarises the responses to the consultation on the proposed shape and content of an Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH) in Scotland.


List of acronyms

ALACHO: Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers

ASHP: Air Source Heating Pump

CERT: Carbon Emissions Reduction Target

CESP: Community Energy Saving Programme

CIH Scotland: Chartered Institute for Housing Scotland

COSLA: Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

ECO: Energy Company Obligation

EPC: Energy Performance Certificate

EQIA: Equalities Impact Assessment

EST: Energy Savings Trust

GHA: Glasgow Housing Association

GWSF: Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations

HEED: Home Energy Efficiency Database

NRP: National Retrofit Programme

PSHG: Private Sector Housing Grant

PV: Photovoltaic

RIF: Respondent Information Form

SFHA: Scottish Federation of Housing Associations

SHCS: Scottish House Condition Survey

SHQS: Scottish Housing Quality Standard

SHR: Scottish Housing Regulator

SHS: Sustainable Housing Strategy

TSA: Tenements (Scotland) Act 2004

UHI: Universal Home Insulation Scheme

Asset Management

Refers to the monitoring and maintenance of a landlord's housing stock

Energy Efficiency ( EE) rating

The EE rating is based on the energy costs associated with the energy delivered to the dwelling to provide heating, ventilation and lighting (sometimes referred to as the SAP rating).

Environmental Impact ( EI) rating

The Environmental Impact (CO2) rating relates to the dwelling's annual CO2 emissions.

Mixed tenure

A reference to blocks of flats or estates with a mix of owner occupied, social rented and private rented properties


National Home Energy Rating - a rating scale for measuring the energy efficiency of housing


Reduced data Standard Assessment Procedure. This is used in EPC calculations typically for existing dwellings, as full SAP data is not available.


Standard Assessment Procedure - a rating scale for measuring the energy efficiency of housing, used in EPCs


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