
Developing an Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing: consulation analysis

The report summarises the responses to the consultation on the proposed shape and content of an Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH) in Scotland.


1. See extract C3 in Annex C

2. "Please indicate which category best describes your organisation, if appropriate". Table B1 in Annex B provides the full results.

3. The EcoHomes standards (good and very good), introduced in 2000, are nationally accredited environmental standards for new build dwellings in the social rented sector.

4. The question asks that only those who answered "yes" to question 4 comment here. However two of the responses are from respondents who did not answer question 4 and four are from respondents who answered "no" to question 4 who wished to comment on this issue. It is not possible, therefore, to present the number of respondents as a valid percentage (if the question had been presented as a "free" question, other respondents may have also answered it).

5. Question 4b was targeted at respondents who had answered "no" to question 4. In total, 41 respondents commented on question 4b: 13 of the 15 who had answered "no" at q4, and 28 others (comprising a mix of some who had ticked "yes", been undecided, and not responded to Q4).

6. See extract C1 in Annex C

7. Responses to these questions were received from all respondents, not just those that answered "helpful" at question 8

8. Scottish Government however notes that SAP is consistent with the standard BS EN ISO 13790 (Energy performance of buildings. Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling). All products are tested using an approved testing methodology.

9. Standard Assessment Procedure - Appendix Q: Special features and specific data -

10. The standard will be based on RdSAP v9.91. This version will allow users to enter actual U-values, where evidenced.

11. See Extract C2 in Annex C

12. It is worth stressing that many of these respondents noted they supported the Government's Climate Change agenda. Their disagreement was simply with the rating scheme proposed here.

13. As noted above in question 9, there is no requirement for 100% coverage of EPCs; a modelled approach will be acceptable

14. See Extract C3 in Annex C

15. It was suggested the D rating would be pertinent given Energy Company Obligation ( ECO) and Green Deal will require 'D' rating by insulation improvement before other more expensive technologies are considered; and Feed-in Tariff eligibility is dependent on meeting the 'D' SAP rating…

16. The standards for each house type and fuel type are given in Extract C3 in Annex C

17. See extract C4 in Annex C

18. See earlier footnotes on this point


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