Developing essential fish habitat maps: report
The project helped define areas of the sea essential to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity. Twenty-nine species and multiple life-stages were reviewed covering marine fish and shellfish of commercial and ecological importance, relevant to offshore wind development areas.
Part of
Appendix B. List and names of EUNIS habitat types (Level 3 and 4)
Full list of marine EUNIS habitat types considered for the habitat proxy assessment. The list also includes habitats that were excluded a priori from the habitat proxy assessment (highlighted in grey) because considered not relevant to UK inshore areas due to geographical/environmental reasons: N(1), habitats typical of Baltic, Mediterranean, Black Sea or Pontic region; N(2), habitats described as deep offshore or deep sea habitat; N(3), ice-associated habitats.
EUNIS Habitat type: Code, Name and Level | EUNIS Level 3/4 | Included in the Habitat proxy assessment (Matrix) | Scored (incl.0 score) | Scored (excl.0 score) | Included in EUNIS habitat maps | ||
A. Marine habitats (Level 1) | |||||||
A1. Littoral rock and other hard substrata (Level 2) | |||||||
A1.1 | High energy littoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.11 | Mussel and/or barnacle communities | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.12 | Robust fucoid and/or red seaweed communities | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.13 | Mediterranean and Black Sea communities of upper mediolittoral rock | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A1.14 | Mediterranean and Black Sea communities of lower exposed to wave action | Level 4 mediolittoral rock very | N(1) | ||||
A1.15 | Fucoids in tide-swept conditions | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.16 | Pontic communities of exposed mediolittoral rock | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A1.2 | Moderate energy littoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.21 | Barnacles and fucoids on moderately exposed shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.22 | Mussels and fucoids on moderately exposed shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.23 | Mediterranean communities of lower moderately exposed to wave action | Level 4 mediolittoral rock | N(1) | ||||
A1.24 | Pontic communities of lower mediolittoral rock wave action | Level 4 moderately exposed to | N(1) | ||||
A1.3 | Low energy littoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.31 | Fucoids on sheltered marine shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.32 | Fucoids in variable salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.33 | Red algal turf in lower eulittoral, sheltered from wave action | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A1.34 | Mediterranean communities of lower mediolittoral rock action | Level 4 sheltered from wave | N(1) | ||||
A1.4 | Features of littoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.41 | Communities of littoral rockpools | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.42 | Communities of rockpools in the supralittoral zone | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A1.43 | Brackish permanent pools in the geolittoral zone | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A1.44 | Communities of littoral caves and overhangs | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A1.45 | Ephemeral green or red seaweeds (freshwater or sand-influenced) on non- mobile substrata | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A1.46 | Hydrolittoral soft rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A1.47 | Hydrolittoral solid rock (bedrock) | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A1.48 | Hydrolittoral hard clay | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A1.49 | Hydrolittoral mussel beds | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A1.4A | Hydrolittoral peat | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2. Littoral sediment (Level 2) | |||||||
A2.1 | Littoral coarse sediment | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.11 | Shingle (pebble) and gravel shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.12 | Estuarine coarse sediment shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.2 | Littoral sand and muddy sand | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.21 | Strandline | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.22 | Barren or amphipod- dominated mobile sand shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.23 | Polychaete/amphipod- dominated fine sand shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.24 | Polychaete/bivalve- dominated muddy sand shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.3 | Littoral mud | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.31 | Polychaete/bivalve- dominated mid estuarine mud shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.32 | Polychaete/oligochaete- dominated upper estuarine mud shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.33 | Marine mud shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.4 | Littoral mixed sediments | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.41 | Hediste diversicolor dominated gravelly sandy mud shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.42 | Species-rich mixed sediment shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.43 | Species-poor mixed sediment shores | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2.5 | Coastal Saltmarshes and saline reedbeds | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.51 | Saltmarsh driftlines | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2.52 | Upper saltmarshes | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2.53 | Mid-upper saltmarshes and saline and brackish reed, rush and sedge beds | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2.54 | Low-mid saltmarshes | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2.55 | Pioneer saltmarshes | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2.6 | Littoral sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.61 | Seagrass beds on littoral sediments | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.62 | Marine Cyperaceae beds | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A2.7 | Littoral biogenic reefs | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2.71 | Littoral Sabellaria reefs | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2.72 | Littoral mussel beds on sediment | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2.8 | Features of littoral sediment | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.81 | Methane seeps in littoral sediments | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A2.82 | Ephemeral green or red seaweeds (freshwater or sand-influenced) on mobile substrata | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A2.83 | Hydrolittoral stony substrata | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A2.84 | Hydrolittoral gravel substrata | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A2.85 | Hydrolittoral sandy substrata | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A2.86 | Hydrolittoral muddy substrata | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A2.87 | Hydrolittoral mixed sediment substrata | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A3. Infralittoral rock and other hard substrata (Level 2) | |||||||
A3.1 | Atlantic and Mediterranean high energy infralittoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A3.11 | Kelp with cushion fauna and/or foliose red seaweeds | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A3.12 | Sediment-affected or disturbed kelp and seaweed communities | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A3.14 | Encrusting algal communities | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A3.15 | Frondose algal communities (other than kelp) | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A3.2 | Atlantic and Mediterranean moderate energy infralittoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A3.21 | Kelp and red seaweeds (moderate energy infralittoral rock) | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A3.22 | Kelp and seaweed communities in tide-swept sheltered conditions | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A3.23 | Mediterranean and Pontic communities of infralittoral algae moderately exposed to wave action | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A3.24 | Faunal communities on moderate energy infralittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A3.3 | Atlantic and Mediterranean low energy infralittoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A3.31 | Silted kelp on low energy infralittoral rock with full salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A3.32 | Kelp in variable salinity on low energy infralittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A3.33 | Mediterranean submerged fucoids, green or red seaweeds on full salinity infralittoral rock | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A3.34 | Submerged fucoids, green or red seaweeds (low salinity infralittoral rock) | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A3.35 | Faunal communities on low energy infralittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A3.36 | Faunal communities on variable or reduced salinity infralittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A3.4 | Baltic exposed infralittoral rock | Level 3 | N(1) | ||||
A3.5 | Baltic moderately exposedinfralittoralrock | Level 3 | N(1) | ||||
A3.6 | Baltic sheltered infralittoral rock | Level 3 | N(1) | ||||
A3.7 | Features of infralittoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A3.71 | Robust faunal cushions and crusts in surge gullies and caves | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A3.72 | Infralittoral fouling seaweed communities | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A3.73 | Vents and seeps in infralittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A3.74 | Caves and overhangs in infralittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A4. Circalittoral rock and other hard substrata (Level 2) | |||||||
A4.1 | Atlantic and Mediterranean high energy circalittoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A4.11 | Very tide-swept faunal communities on circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A4.12 | Sponge communities on deep circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A4.13 | Mixed faunal turf communities on circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A4.2 | Atlantic and Mediterranean moderate energy circalittoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A4.21 | Echinoderms and crustose communities on circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A4.22 | Sabellaria reefs on circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A4.23 | Communities on soft circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A4.24 | Mussel beds on circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A4.25 | Circalittoral faunal communities in variable salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A4.26 | Mediterranean coralligenous communities moderately exposed to hydrodynamic action | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A4.27 | Faunal communities on deep moderate energy circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A4.3 | Atlantic and Mediterranean low energy circalittoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A4.31 | Brachiopod and ascidian communities on circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A4.32 | Mediterranean coralligenous communities sheltered from hydrodynamic action | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A4.33 | Faunal communities on deep low energy circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A4.4 | Baltic exposed circalittoral rock | Level 3 | N(1) | ||||
A4.5 | Baltic moderately exposed circalittoral rock | Level 3 | N(1) | ||||
A4.6 | Baltic sheltered circalittoral rock | Level 3 | N(1) | ||||
A4.7 | Features of circalittoral rock | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A4.71 | Communities of circalittoral caves and overhangs | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A4.72 | Circalittoral fouling faunal communities | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A4.73 | Vents and seeps in circalittoral rock | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A5. Sublittoral sediment (Level 2) | |||||||
A5.1 | Sublittoral coarse sediment | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.11 | Infralittoral coarse sediment in low or reduced salinity | Level 4 | N(1) | ||||
A5.12 | Sublittoral coarse sediment in variable salinity (estuaries) | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.13 | Infralittoral coarse sediment | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.14 | Circalittoral coarse sediment | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.15 | Deep circalittoral coarse sediment | Level 4 | N(2) | ||||
A5.2 | Sublittoral sand | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.21 | Sublittoral sand in low or reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.22 | Sublittoral sand in variable salinity (estuaries) | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.23 | Infralittoral fine sand | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.24 | Infralittoral muddy sand | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.25 | Circalittoral fine sand | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.26 | Circalittoral muddy sand | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.27 | Deep circalittoral sand | Level 4 | N(2) | ||||
A5.3 | Sublittoral mud | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.31 | Sublittoral mud in low or reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.32 | Sublittoral mud in variable salinity (estuaries) | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.33 | Infralittoral sandy mud | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.34 | Infralittoral fine mud | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.35 | Circalittoral sandy mud | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.36 | Circalittoral fine mud | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.37 | Deep circalittoral mud | Level 4 | N(2) | ||||
A5.4 | Sublittoral mixed sediments | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.41 | Sublittoral mixed sediment in low or reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A5.42 | Sublittoral mixed sediment in variable salinity (estuaries) | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.43 | Infralittoral mixed sediments | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.44 | Circalittoral mixed sediments | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.45 | Deep circalittoral mixed sediments | Level 4 | N(2) | ||||
A5.5 | Sublittoral macrophyte- dominated sediment | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.51 | Maerl beds | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.52 | Kelp and seaweed communities on sublittoral sediment | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.53 | Sublittoral seagrass beds | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.54 | Angiosperm communities in reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.6 | Sublittoral biogenic reefs | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.61 | Sublittoral polychaete worm reefs on sediment | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.62 | Sublittoral mussel beds on sediment | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A5.63 | Circalittoral coral reefs | Level 4 | Y | Y | |||
A5.7 | Features of sublittoral sediments | Level 3 | Y | Y | |||
A5.71 | Seeps and vents in sublittoral sediments | Level 4 | Y | Y | |||
A5.72 | Organically-enriched or anoxic sublittoral habitats | Level 4 | Y | Y | |||
A6. Deep sea bed (Level 2) | |||||||
A6.1 | Deep-sea rock and artificial hard substrata | Level 3 | N(2) | ||||
A6.2 | Deep-sea mixed substrata | Level 3 | N(2) | ||||
A6.3 | Deep-sea sand | Level 3 | N(2) | ||||
A6.4 | Deep-sea muddy sand | Level 3 | N(2) | ||||
A6.5 | Deep-sea mud | Level 3 | N(2) | ||||
A6.6 | Deep-sea bioherms | Level 3 | N(2) | ||||
A6.7 | Raised features of the deep-sea bed | Level 3 | N(2) | ||||
A6.8 | Deep-sea trenches and canyons, channels, slope | Level 3 | N(2) | ||||
failures and slumps on the continental slope | |||||||
A6.9 | Vents, seeps, hypoxic and anoxic habitats of the deep sea | Level 3 | N(2) | ||||
A7. Pelagic water column (Level 2) | |||||||
A7.1 | Neuston | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.11 | Temporary neuston layer | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.12 | Permanent neuston layer | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.2 | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.21 | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and short residence time | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.22 | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium residence time | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.23 | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and long residence time | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.3 | Completely mixed water column with full salinity | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.31 | Completely mixed water column with full salinity and short residence time | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.32 | Completely mixed water column with full salinity and medium residence time | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.33 | Completely mixed water column with full salinity and long residence time | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.4 | Partially mixed water column with reduced | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
salinity and medium or long residence time | |||||||
A7.41 | Partially mixed water column with full salinity and medium residence time | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.42 | Partially mixed water column with full salinity and long residence time | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.5 | Unstratified water column with reduced salinity | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.51 | Euphotic (epipelagic) zone in unstratified reduced salinity water | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.52 | Mesopelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.53 | Bathypelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.6 | Vertically stratified water column with reduced salinity | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.61 | Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.62 | Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.63 | Water column with permanent thermal stratification and reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.64 | Water column with ephemeral halocline and reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.65 | Water column with seasonal halocline and reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.66 | Water column with permanent halocline and reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.67 | Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.68 | Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.69 | Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and reduced salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.7 | Fronts in reduced salinity water column | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.71 | Ephemeral fronts in reduced salinity water column | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.72 | Seasonal fronts in reduced salinity water column | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.73 | Persistent fronts in reduced salinity water column | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.8 | Unstratified water column with full salinity | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.81 | Euphotic (epipelagic) zone in unstratified full salinity water | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.82 | Mesopelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.83 | Bathypelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.9 | Vertically stratified water column with full salinity | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.91 | Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and full salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.92 | Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and full salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.93 | Water column with permanent thermal stratification and full salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.94 | Water column with ephemeral halocline and full salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.95 | Water column with seasonal halocline and full salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.96 | Water column with permanent halocline and full salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.97 | Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and full salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.98 | Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and full salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.99 | Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and full salinity | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.A | Fronts in full salinity water column | Level 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
A7.A1 | Ephemeral fronts in full salinity water column | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.A2 | Seasonal fronts in full salinity water column | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A7.A3 | Persistent fronts in full salinity water column | Level 4 | Y | Y | Y | ||
A8. Ice-associated marine habitats (Level 2) | |||||||
A8.1 | Sea ice | Level 3 | N(3) | ||||
A8.2 | Freshwater ice | Level 3 | N(3) | ||||
A8.3 | Brine channels | Level 3 | N(3) | ||||
A8.4 | Under ice habitat | Level 3 | N(3) | ||||
X. Habitat complexes (Level 1) | |||||||
X01 | Estuaries | Level 2 | Y | Y | Y | ||
X02 | Saline coastal lagoons | Level 2 | Y | Y | Y | ||
X03 | Brackish coastal lagoons | Level 2 | Y | Y | Y | ||
X30 | Bentho-pelagic habitats | Level 2 | Y | Y | Y | ||
X31 | Mosaics of mobile and non-mobile substrata in the littoral zone | Level 2 | Y | Y | Y | ||
X32 | Mosaics of mobile and non-mobile substrata in the infralittoral zone | Level 2 | Y | Y | Y | ||
X33 | Mosaics of mobile and non-mobile substrata in the circalittoral zone | Level 2 | Y | Y | Y | ||
X34 | Anchihaline caves | Level 2 | Y |
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