Social Security Charter measurement framework: co-design process

The process we undertook to co-develop a measurement framework that will show how well we are preforming against the Social Security Charter.

2. Who was involved?


The framework was co-designed by people with experience of, and an interest in social security, comprising:

  • a diverse group of 20 people with lived experience of the social security system (Core Group 2)
  • representatives from a range of stakeholder groups – professionals who represent the interests of, and work on behalf of, social security clients
  • the Scottish Commission on Social Security (SCoSS), whose functions include assessing the extent to which the charter commitments are fulfilled.

All co-design and consultation work was planned, overseen and facilitated by Scottish Government researchers and policy officials.

Core Group 2

Our Charter was co-designed with the main input from people with lived experience coming from a ‘Core Group’ of 34 people. For the production of the Charter Measurement Framework, a second group was similarly brought together – Core Group 2 - and included members of the original group who worked on the Charter, as well as a number of new members who added fresh perspective, and increased the diversity of the group. Twenty individuals were members of Core Group 2.

Overall, the group included:

  • disabled people with
    • mental health conditions
    • physical health conditions
    • sensory conditions
    • learning conditions
  • British Sign Language (BSL) users
  • young people
  • rural/island residents
  • people from minority ethnic groups
  • single parents
  • veterans
  • representatives of LGBTI+ communities
  • carers
  • members of religious groups

The group was made up of 11 males and 9 females and ranged in age from under 25 to over 70.

Please note, we are unable to set out a precise breakdown of the personal characteristics of the group, as the small numbers could lead to disclosure of personal and sensitive information.

Stakeholder organizations

Twenty-seven stakeholder organizations were invited to input on the design of the Measurement Framework. Scottish Government staff hosted two stakeholder events where attendees were updated on the development of the framework, and gave feedback. Drafts of the framework were circulated amongst stakeholder groups and their comments and advice were fed-back to Core Group 2, and incorporated into the framework where appropriate.

A full list of stakeholder groups who were consulted is included at Annex A

Scottish Commission on Social Security (SCoSS)

The Scottish Commission on Social Security (SCoSS) was established under the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 (provisions 21-22). One of its functions is to report to Scottish Ministers on the extent to which the commitments in the Charter are being fulfilled, and to make recommendations for improvements if necessary.

Two meetings were held between members of SCoSS and Scottish Government social researchers and, on a separate occasion, SCoSS held an advice session with Core Group 2 and took questions. As with stakeholder groups, SCoSS members were shown drafts of the Measurement Framework on which they could offer comments and advice.

Scottish Government Staff

Scottish Government officials, including researchers and policy officers undertook the following roles:

  • designed, planned and implemented the co-design research processes
  • facilitated and enabled people with experience of social security to put forward informed opinions on what the form and content of the Charter Measurement Framework should be
  • collected, and analysed, information from stakeholders
  • advised people with lived experience on policy and analytical matters
  • liaised with wider social security officials
  • engaged with key stakeholders
  • put together the input from everyone involved in the co-design process, using the findings to inform the drafting of the Charter Measurement Framework



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