Social Security Charter measurement framework: co-design process

The process we undertook to co-develop a measurement framework that will show how well we are preforming against the Social Security Charter.

Annex A – Stakeholders organizations invited to take part in the co-design process

Citizens’ Advice Scotland

Child Poverty Action Group

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Inclusion Scotland

Scottish Human Rights Commission

Equality and Human Rights Commission

Scottish Commission for Learning Disability

Scottish Association Mental Health

Poverty Alliance

Clydeside Action on Asbestos

Coalition for Racial Equality

Scottish Refugee Council

One Parent Families Scotland


Age Scotland

COSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities)

SCVO (Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations)

Families Outside

Who Cares? Scotland

MECOPP: supporting minority ethnic carers

Glasgow Disability Alliance

Alliance Scotland


Perth women’s aid


Deaf Scotland

Carers net

Marie curie



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