Developing a method to estimate the costs of soil erosion in high-risk Scottish catchments: final report

Report from a project which developed and used an ecosystem service framework approach to estimate the costs of soil erosion in Scotland, for five study catchments.

Appendix 8. Classification of IACS crops into the economic model (and erosion rate class)

Table 75 shows the descriptions of the IACS land use classes (and their associated erosion rate class) and how these have been classified for the economic model.

Table 75 Descriptions of the IACS classes (RED TEXT) and how we have classified them for erosion risk and for the economics tables.
PREDOM_LU IACS class Economics class Erosion
Rate Class
CMIX Arable silage for stock feed Improved grass Improved grass
ARTC Artichokes Artichokes Intensive arable
ASPG Asparagus Asparagus Intensive arable
BEAN Beans for human consumption Beans Extensive arable
BLB Bilberries (and other fruits of the genus vaccinium) Soft fruit Horticulture
BKB Blackberries Soft fruit Horticulture
BLR Blackcurrants Soft fruit Horticulture
BFLO Bulbs/flowers Bulbs Intensive arable
COMM Common grazing Rough
Rough grazing
FALW Fallow Fallow Extensive arable
FB Field beans Beans Extensive arable
BSFS Flower bulbs and cut flowers Bulbs Intensive arable
GSB Gooseberries Soft fruit Horticulture
PGRS Grass over 5 years Improved grass Improved grass
TGRS Grass under 5 years Improved grass Improved grass
LLO Land let out to others Llo Extensive arable
LIEM Lfass ineligible environmental management Improved grass Improved grass
LIN Linseed Linseed Extensive arable
MAIZ Maize Maize Intensive arable
MC Mixed cereals Cereals Extensive arable
NF_IB Non-food setaside - barley for industrial use Barley Extensive arable
NF_SRC Non-food setaside - forest trees short cycle Woodland Woodland
NF_HEAR Non-food setaside - high erucic acid rapeseed Osr Extensive arable
NF_IO Non-food setaside - oilseed rape for Osr Extensive



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