Developing a modern statistical system - a review of Scotland's Census 2022
An internal review to examine whether statisticians had sufficient seniority and influence to effectively respond to challenges during the 2022 Census programme. It contains recommendations to the Chief Statistician for future delivery of strategically important statistical exercises across the Scot
Scope and Methodology
This review examines whether statisticians had sufficient seniority and influence to effectively respond to challenges during the 2022 Census programme. Its scope is to consider leadership, the impact of decisions taken and what factors influenced those decisions. It examines three main themes:
- Statistical decision making and resource
- Official Statistics and the Office of the Chief Statistician
- Digital programme delivery as it relates to statisticians
The review covers the period from programme inception in 2016 to the first release of outputs in 2023 and draws on evidence gathered in the production and evaluation of Scotland’s Census.
This report includes evidence and reporting from multiple assurance and review processes, conducted throughout the census programme, and experiences of NRS staff during the different phases of the delivery. Sources include:
- Gateway reviews
- Audit Scotland reports
- SG Digital Assurance Office / Technology Assurance Framework reviews
- OSR Assessment of 2021 Censuses in the UK
- Correspondence between OSR and NRS
- Independent information assurance reviews
- NRS 2022 Census General Report
- Conversations with NRS staff who shared their experience of the programme
While this review examines the broad objectives set and the delivery against those objectives, it does not evaluate individual decisions that were taken during the programme or overlap with other reports and reviews. The 2022 Census General Report produced by NRS sets out how the programme was delivered and what has been learned from the future and was a key source of background information for this review.
The General Report concluded that all objectives set out at programme inception were met and covered lessons learned across delivery of the census programme by NRS. This report focuses on implications for the wider statistical system.
This review does look at wider lessons and reflections on leadership, impact of decisions and their influence on Census delivery that can help support the broader statistical system. It then sets out recommendations for the Chief Statistician to consider how to improve statistical delivery of other cross-cutting Statistical Components.
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