
International Development - national indicator development: research report

The report outlines the research commissioned for the development of the indicator ‘Contribution of development support to other nations’ that forms part of the National Outcome ‘We are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally’ in the refreshed National Performance Framework

Contextual Note

This publication outlines the technical development of the new indicator ‘Contribution of development support to other nations’ that is included in the refreshed National Performance Framework (NPF). It is one of five indicators supporting the International Outcome ‘We are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally’. Through this Outcome, Scotland commits to fulfilling its international obligations, promoting its place in the world and deepening its relationships with others.

The report was commissioned and written prior to international developments such as the Covid-19 pandemic and before the Black Lives Matter Movement reached its global protest momentum in 2020. Therefore, neither this newly established indicator nor its current score take these developments into account yet.

The report recommends that this new and innovative indicator be reviewed in due course and that the inclusion of additional variables be considered if and when additional data becomes available.

The report is independent from the ongoing review of the Scottish Government’s future approach to international development and does not pre-empt the findings of this review.



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