
Developing regulation of energy efficiency of private sector housing (REEPS): modelling improvements to the target stock - Research Summary

This Research Summary presents the main findings from the 2014-15 research project into improving the energy efficiency of the private sector dwelling stock in Scotland, undertaken by Ipsos MORI and Alembic Research. The research identified the least cost methods of improving the target stock, namely those dwellings falling into Bandings E, F and G on the SAP rating scale.

Modelling the improvements

The base position of each typology group was established using data from the SHCS for each archetype. (This survey was designed to collect the data necessary to calculate SAP ratings and therefore EPC bandings.) The impact of a variety of improvement measures and a number of packages of measures was then assessed.

Overall, up to 38 potential improvement measures were assessed for each of the 355 archetypes. These improvements were collated from a wide variety of sources and encompassed insulation, ventilation, heating, hot water, space and water heating controls, renewables, and other energy saving improvement options.

Indicative capital costs for each of the improvement measures were identified usually from the Product Characteristics Database File (PCDF) that is part of the SAP software. This is the standard set of references costs used by SAP and by Green Deal assessments. Alternative sources of costs were investigated as part of the research.


Email: Silvia Palombi

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