
Developing regulation of energy efficiency of private sector housing (REEPS): modelling improvements to the target stock - Research Summary

This Research Summary presents the main findings from the 2014-15 research project into improving the energy efficiency of the private sector dwelling stock in Scotland, undertaken by Ipsos MORI and Alembic Research. The research identified the least cost methods of improving the target stock, namely those dwellings falling into Bandings E, F and G on the SAP rating scale.

Measures included

The total number and proportion of dwellings with specific measures included within packages of measures to bring properties up to different standards, varied across the scenarios. The three most common measures in each scenario were:

  • Scenario 1 (to reach EPC band F): Loft insulation including top-up (18,375 or 62%), Hot water tank jacket (4,651 or 16%), Room thermostat (4,457 or 15%),
  • Scenario 2 (to reach EPC band E): Loft insulation including top-up (74,369 or 44%), Low energy lighting (25,496 or 15%), Cavity Wall Insulation (24,611 or 14%),
  • Scenario 3 (to reach EPC band D): Loft insulation including top-up (159,256 or 39%), Low energy lighting (135.662 or 34%), Cavity Wall Insulation (103,250 or 26%),
  • Scenario 4 (all up one band): Loft insulation including top-up (133,380 or 33%), Low energy lighting (101,310 or 25%), Hot water tank jacket (62,406 or 16%).

There were some differences by rurality, particularly in relation to Scenario 3. A higher proportion of dwellings in rural areas have room in the roof insulation, floor insulation and the replacement Oil/LG Boilers in the package of measures to reach EPC band D. Low energy lighting was more commonly included in urban than in rural areas. There was very little difference in the measures included in the packages by tenure.


Email: Silvia Palombi

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