
Developing regulation of energy efficiency of private sector housing (REEPS): modelling improvements to the target stock - Research Summary

This Research Summary presents the main findings from the 2014-15 research project into improving the energy efficiency of the private sector dwelling stock in Scotland, undertaken by Ipsos MORI and Alembic Research. The research identified the least cost methods of improving the target stock, namely those dwellings falling into Bandings E, F and G on the SAP rating scale.

Capital costs

The average capital cost of improvements per dwelling reflects both how much each dwelling needs to be improved and the base position of the dwelling. Packages of improvements that make a large increase in energy efficiency are, on average, more expensive than those that make a small increase. The average cost of investments per dwelling in Scenario 1 is £627, in Scenario 2 is £1,232, in Scenario 3 is £2,672 and for Scenario 4 is £969.

The more efficient dwellings are, the more expensive they are to improve further. The average cost of improving a dwelling in band G by one band is £627 compared to £1,062 for a band E dwelling. A similar pattern is seen with regard to cost per SAP point increase - £46 for G to F, to £126 for E to D.

The average costs of improvements tend to be higher for rural dwellings as a higher proportion fall under EPC bands G and F in comparison to the overall target stock.


Email: Silvia Palombi

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