
Developing Scotland's Economy: Increasing The Role Of Inclusive And Democratic Business Models

This independent report addresses the commitment in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation to "undertake and publish a review of how best to significantly increase the number of social enterprises, employee-owned businesses and co-operatives in Scotland", detailing 17 recommendations.

2. Method and Process

2.1 The review was conducted in an iterative fashion, with a desire to surface existing successes and challenges, prompting discussions focused on creating core recommendations. This occurred within the review meetings and via work undertaken by the Chair with individual Review members and the Scottish Government secretariat. All Review members contributed fresh material, insights and comments throughout the process.

2.2 The broad arc of the six Review Group meetings flowed in the following way:

  • Meeting 1: Surfaced issues and challenges, identifying the key areas for the review (as outlined above).
  • Meeting 2: Focussed on the issues and challenges further, beginning the process of sifting solutions and identifying recommendations.
  • Meeting 3: A deep dive workshop focussed on further exploration of potential recommendations.
  • Meeting 4: Discussion of the draft report, with key actions and amendments noted.
  • Meeting 5: Discussion of draft report and recommendations, which included a session with Tom Arthur, MSP, the then Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance.
  • Meeting 6: Final meeting to agree report and recommendations.



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